Friday, June 5, 2009
Hello www,
Lord Jesus, help all those who are in need of hope in their lives. Thank you for the many prayers you answer, and for the blessings bestowed on us all. In Jesus Name. Amen.
The school year is over, and as I write these words, I know I'm 'free' from teaching, at least until the Fall...But I'm not enjoying this freedom too much at the moment. I'm thinking about the students I had this past year. The year that just ended was among my most trying. I feel like I let my students down academically. They did well on the state tests, thanks be to God, but I wonder if there was another way I could have pushed them even farther. In my 10+ years that I've taught, I think the only other time I've felt this way about a class was when I first began my career as a teacher. I usually feel good about my students, but for some reason these students haunt me.
'My girls,' as I lovingly called them, were sweet and funny...what will they take with them from me academically as I send them on their continuing journey through school, and life?
AA, who was goofy and funny, didn't listen to me. It was as if she was in someone else's class when I gave instructions, or taught a concept. She tried hard, but still couldn't grasp what was going on in Math, or Reading. She acted like she understood and then went to her desk and did her work incorrectly. This stumped me. Her handwriting was always neat and she took her time in doing her class assignments, but she took too much time copying something from the board, completely missing the point of the lesson. This was a constant area of contention between us. She got to where she was good at delaying doing the work I wanted her to do because she was writing so neatly and carefully. I made phone calls to mom, and it would get better for a little bit, only to return to where she was in a few weeks. When I ate lunch with 'my girls,' AA made me laugh the most. She had hilarious imitations of a movie star, or a singer. She is Charismatic...Charming. I couldn't reach her academically.
Then there was BB. I am NOT for medicating students, and I am not one who recommends medicine every chance a student misbehaves in my class, but BB was an exception. Easily distracted, putting his head on his desk often, shutting down on me when he didn't get a correct answer, or a good grade. I thought the parents should put him on meds for ADD. Of course by law a teacher May Not even offer the suggestion. We are only allowed to hint. I did hint. The older brother went to our school and by the time he was in sixth grade, the parents put him on ADD meds. He was a completely different child. SO, when I spoke to the parents about BB, I mentioned the older brother and asked if mom saw any similarities in the two brother's behavior. She didn't get the hint, and the child went unmedicated. He too has a great sense of humor.
As teacher's we are told if we bond with our students, ie have lunch with them, spend time with them during the school day, even for a few minutes each day, the students will want to succeed. The bonding with us will make them want to accomplish great things, since they want to please those they like. I went out of my way with this year's group to 'bond' with them. Any 'off duty' days I had free, I ate with either the boys or the girls in my classroom. Regardless of behavior, etc., they could have lunch with me. 30 min of pure conversation about anything, a time to be silly, a time to get to know each other.
When it came time to give awards at the end of the year, my class had the lowest number of achievements. Sure, they are bilingual students, but their bilingualism is an asset; it's just not revealing itself now...
I continue to reflect on this past year and do my best to remember what I can change with next year's students. How I can be better for them. This year is over, but my thoughts and prayers will go forward with these students. My prayer is that my class this year taught me something: be better, strive to be better each year, do things differently, change things up, and be open.
God bless.
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