Heavenly Father,
Bless all those traveling this summer with safe journeys to and from their destinations. May the souls of the 19 firefighters who perished in the wildfires in Arizona rest in peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

June's collage came together smoothly and easily.
June has been a month of...
Waking up at nine in the morning is such a luxury!
During the school year, I wake up at 5:30 a.m. to get ready to go to work.
Funny, during June, I don't even slightly wake up around the 5 - 6 a.m. hour, LOL.
I've given up trying to sleep until noon, like I did when I was in my late teens and early twenties; just doesn't happen anymore, I'm happy to say.
A few days after I was done with work, I realized how perfectly tired I was and how much downtime I required.
I want to learn how to swim! I've put this off for far too long..."Get hip," is a pun on swimming. The phrase "Pave the way to good health," = swimming.
The picture behind the cut-outs on the collage is a picture I drew of a sun rising/setting on the ocean. I crave the beach and pray I make it to warm waters sometime before August this year, preferably in Florida.
"See the signs," is a phrase that I've taken literally, because I have been looking for ''signals'' as a way of discerning God's will for my life, my relationships, career, love life...God does send signs - keep hope alive! Be sure you're alert to them, they are all around us. *Just as a silly example, there is a particular person's name I am praying for discernment on, and I saw a street with this name; I took this as notification that God is hearing my prayers.
In this particular collage, I did add some political words: DOMA - because of the Supreme Court's landmark ruling that marriages between people of the same sex are legal and binding. With a couple of caveats, of course; this is all good if you live in a state that allows those unions. If you move from a state that recognizes same-sex marriages to a state that doesn't recognize your connection, you lose any benefits you may have had in the pro-same sex marriage state.
The other 'political' word: Mandela; he is in critical health right now with pneumonia. Everyone is praying he recover.
Then there's the tattle-tale: Snowden; he is currently residing in Russia's airport. His passport has been revoked, but Putin has refused to release him to the US. Without a passport Snowden can't travel to Ecuador, which is where he was heading.
Snowden is a mixed bag of thoughts for me;
I think he thought he was doing a good thing by telling the citizens of the US that our government is spying on us;
but I think it was a terrible idea for him to leak US secrets about our allies and enemies.
This collage is longer than the others, and besides me writing in these political words at the top, I also have the phrase "Making a difference with students." Then there's this photo:
which didn't come out as clear as I'd like, but hopefully you get the gist; there's an angel pointing at the person laying under a tree with one arm; the other arm is pointing away.
The biblical interpretation could be, "Get up and walk, your father has healed you," or "Be on your way, someone awaits you..." Holy words to be sure.
Now here's my interpretation: "Get up you lazy bum (meaning me) and stop wasting summer by doing nothing!"
With God's blessing, July is going to be a busy month! >wink<