Saturday, May 1, 2010

Go on, be silly!

Hello world-wide-web,
     Jesus, thank you for prayers answered and for all the good things that happen in the world. You are in control, Lord. Msgr Don, on the feast day of St Catherine Sienna this past week, said in his homily that St. Catherine was a mystic that spoke to you, Jesus, on a regular basis and that she asked You, "Why don't people believe in You?" Lord, you replied, "Because people don't believe I'm that good." Jesus, help us believe that you are that good. In Your Name, Lord, Amen.

Most of my time has been consumed by the Group Therapy class I'm taking. Thank goodness there are only three weeks of the semester left, so I can chill, not study, and be lazy before my next class, Ethics, in June (don't care right now what that start date is and I'm not posting it, he he).
I want to share with you one of the techniques we're learning about called Rational Emotive Behavior, or REB. This technique, unlike the other theories we are learning about, has humor as one of the methods to use with clients (a pity the others don't take humor as seriously, lol). I am ALL about the Humor. I'm doing my best to constantly become a funnier person...
But I want to tell you about some 'shame-attacking exercises' REB recommends. I encourage you to do some of these things and have fun with them; if you do try them, post on here how the 'experiment' went, as I'm curious about people's reactions and yours. :)
('Shame attacking exercises', btw, is the rationale that anxiety oftten results from shame, guilt, embarrassment, and self-damnation.)
1.  Walk through a park singing at the top of your voice.
2.  In a crowded elevator, tell people that you are glad they could attend this important meeting that you have called. (I want to try this one!)
3. Talk to animals, and pretend they are talking to you. (I already do this one...)
4. Ride in a crowded elevator facing the rear wall.
5. Tie a ribbon around a banana and "walk it" down a street.
6.  In public, shout out the exact time by saying, "The time is 11:11 and 20 seconds."
7. Go to a drugstore, and in a loud voice say to the pharmacist, "I want to buy ALL of your condoms, and since I use so many of them, you should give me a special discount!"
and for all the people who like 'bathroom humor':
After finishing a meal in a restaurant, say, "Ah, I feel a fart coming on." Please don't use this one when you're having a meal with me, though, okay? ;)!
All right, you have your assignment.
Enjoy life! :)

"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa


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