Hello world-wide-web,
Thanks, Lord, for the many blessings you've bestowed on my family, friends and especially me. I thank you for the continued healing of the couple who had a miscarriage, the child in the hospital, and for all triumphs over evil. Thank you for a smooth school-changing transition. Thank you for always having my back. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
This is the second week at my new school and I feel like I am starting to understand how things are done in this new environment, and I'm relaxing more as my comfort level grows. Here are just some of the perks I've enjoyed: wearing jeans on Fridays and Mondays. Then there's "Fun Friday," where all the students who did their homework for the week get a half hour of 'free time'. The 'free time' is academic, of course; the students are shown a discovery channel video, or a Magic School bus show...in our area, since there are four teachers, one teacher serves as a 'study hall' teacher and all the students who didn't do their homework for the week are sent to her room, with their unfinished work to be done. The students who did their homework are sent to one of the other three teachers.
I like the way duty is done as well: I have a half hour off every day, in addition to my conference time, while the other teachers take the students into their rooms for recess, or, if the weather is nice and not too hot, outside to a playground. In our case, I have the first half hour free. During the second half hour, the teachers on recess duty are off, and we take the kids to lunch. I didn't know how I'd like this arrangement at first, but I've liked it thus far.
My teammates are nice, highly supportive of each other, and friendly. The staff in general, for being such a big school, has been highly welcoming. The principal hugged me the first day she met me.I thought it would be strange driving and walking into a new school, but I already feel like I've been at this school for years, in a good way.
The best part of my job, of course, is the students. They are a rambunctious, talkative, intelligent group of children. We have a nice mix too: African Americans, Indian, Muslim, European American, and Mexican-Americans. My own students still don't know what to make of me: am I mean, or just kidding around with them? I see the quizzical LoOkS on their faces as they seem to be asking themselves, "Is she seriously going to make me accountable for my actions? (you bet!)" "Will she really call my parents if I do something terrible?" (of course!) "Did she just give me cub cash for answering that question correctly?" (indeed I did!) "Is treasure box for real?" (uh-huh!) "Is she just plain crazy?!" (!!!)
This coming week I am a 'star'; meaning I'll be 'featured' on the morning announcements. I need to introduce myself and come up with some interesting things to tell everyone about myself...I'll ask my students for some suggestions...
"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world". Mother Theresa