Heavenly Father, as we take the time to reflect and remember the birth of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, let us also thank You for the gift of Your Son, an omniscient being who humbled Himself to become human. Our 'civilised' brain cannot fully fathom the profundity of this magnificent act, but thank you, dear God for blessing us with Jesus. In Your Name, Lord. Amen.
Once upon a time, I deviated far from the Catholic Church; I joined a Unitarian church, and it was here that I learned the story of "Lilith," Adam's first wife.
I began thinking more on Lilith this past Wednesday, December, 8th, after celebrating the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, our Blessed Mother, Mary.
Just as an aside, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, is Catholics honoring the conceiving of Mary in the womb of St. Anne, Mary's mother. Mary had to be Pure in the highest sense of the word so that she would be worthy of being Jesus' mother; thus the 'Immaculate Conception.' This is why Catholics believe Mary was sinless.
(This photo is of Lilith.)
When I googled 'Lilith,' this website, "The Straight Dope," appeared, and you can read about the history of Lilith: whats-the-story-on-lilith-adams-first-wife, if you'd like.The basic gist of the Lilith story is that she was a 'true equal' to Adam, as she was made from the same dirt as Adam, and not from one of his rib's, like Eve. Lilith and Adam fought a lot, though, because she refused to be dominated by Adam. Lilith grew tired of fighting with Adam and left the Garden of Eden. When Lilith left the Garden, God made Eve. (Lilith's story gets worse: she becomes a killer of children, among other things.)
Hail Mary, Full of Grace!
The counselor in me thinks Adam and Lilith fought because they didn't understand how to blend their strengths; each wanted to dominate the other, instead of compromising, and making the relationship something good and about something bigger than both their egos.
The Lord is with you!
Mary is human, but perfect in every way, and who, without hesitation, said "Yes, God." She is our life's guide and model.
She shows us how to have faith in our Lord and to fully rely on His Goodness in our lives, knowing that He has only our best interests in His heart for all of us.
Lilith underestimated the potency of humility. The strength in asking our Lord to help us, even in the most mundane issues of our lives; just like when she asked Christ to make more wine for the wedding at Cana. She knows that Jesus wants to be a part of all of our daily activities.
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Mary has a quiet, calm soul; one that Lilith can never imitate. Mary patiently waited for God's instructions for her life.
Mary is truly an Every woman: she knows what it's like to be an unwed mom, to have lost a child in a public place, to seeing her child die before she does. She is an adoptive parent; she has adopted each and everyone of us as her own, and intercedes for us on a regular basis to Jesus, Her most Precious Son.
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Lilith lacked understanding that there is One greater than ourselves. God is what connects all of our interactions - especially in our relationship to our spouses, for those married; and in our family, for those who are married, and single.
Mary was about being a servant, not necessarily subservient; Mary's service to our Lord is like being God's right arm reaching across barriers, arguments, and apathy, and creating a clear path to Love and Light, to Jesus himself. She remains faithful to Jesus, and continues to ask us to do the same.
This is why we pray with Her, in the Hail Mary:
Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Thank you, Blessed Mother, for saying yes to God, and for giving birth to the one true light in our dark world, Your Son, and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Advent isn't only about Jesus' birth, it is also about Mary's "Yes!"
Addendum: Mary is the new Eve, the one who did indeed keep God's word, and follow his commands; thus the reason I compared Lilith and Mary, and not Lilith and Eve. Not that Lilith can compare to the BVM in any way, shape, or form.
"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa