Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Conscience or conscious?

Hello friends,
      Heavenly Father, please bless and guide my words. I need some insight, compassion, and humor as I write this blog, Lord. Thank you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
        Recently, a friend of mine was telling me about his experience as a "Sidewalk counselor," at an abortion clinic.
       "What do you think a Sidewalk Counselor does?" He asked.
       I answered, rather smugly, "You try to talk girls and women out of having an abortion."
       "No," he said.
       "Well, what then?"
       "We ask them if we can pray."
        Maybe a week after this conversation, Congress passes a law stating that "a doctor would have to describe to a woman the details of a sonogram hours before performing the abortion. The doctor would show the woman the sonogram and play the heartbeat audibly, unless the patient opts out. Even if the patient opts out, the doctor would have to describe the development of the fetus, including its dimensions. Women with fetal abnormalities, or who have been a victim of rape or incest, are given an exception." The Texas Tribune
        There is also talk of de-funding Planned Parenthood because they perform abortions, even though 'by law, Planned Parenthood cannot allocate any federal funding for abortions.' (wikipedia)
        These two things happening, and the dialogue with my friend, has prompted me, once again, to re-visit, my views on abortion. As many of you know,  I am 'pro-choice,' and recent events in my spiritual life, feeling and getting closer to God, have caused me to think ever more deeply about why I am pro-choice.
        Sure, most people will argue that 'it's not a choice, it's a baby,' or 'you can't be Catholic and pro-choice.' And I think these are easy catch-phrases, but they leave me unsatisfied and wanting. 
       I consider myself a truly honest Catholic, - I don't just 'follow the rules,' of the church without trying to understand what the teaching means, how it will fit into my life, and because I am a thinker, I must delve into this issue more:
firstly, by cracking the superficial political surface;
secondly, by swimming to my definition of conscience and examining it carefully;
and thirdly, by wrapping my pea-brain around the Church's definition of conscience;
        As I ponder these things, I am cognizant of the fact that throughout this process there is a chance my definition will change in some significant way, if needed;
       And lastly, somehow after all this contemplation, meditation, and reflection, and with Jesus leading me back to the top, for He is the only Presence I am hanging on to as I make this journey, I can live more fully in His Light. Afterall, He alone holds the underwater lamplight to all of Me, asking Me to uncover myself, to open myself up completely to Him, and to my Self, the person the Lord created.
"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa

Friday, February 11, 2011


Hello friends,
Heavenly Father, please help marriages that are in trouble, guide all single people to remain faithful and true to their Christian-Catholic calling, and for everyone I said I would pray for, this is a prayer for them. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Situations happen. To everyone.
Recently I made a fairly big, uncomfortable, awkward situation happen, and I am not proud of it (nor will I divulge what it is - you have an imagination - use it).
Fortunately, after a grueling period of isolation, prayer and repentance (embarassing chuckle), the quandry is no more, and in the midst of this er, 'process,' I learned something important about True Friendship: if a person(s) still likes you after they see ugliness in you, then they are True Friends.
I am proud and honored to call the people involved in my self-created fiasco, my friends; which leads me to another prayer today: may you be blessed with friends -not just a spouse, or lover(s)- but friends, who love you 'warts and all,' because it is a powerful and privileged relationship to have and behold.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa


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