Friday, December 26, 2008

New Beginnings

Hello www, Happy New Year! God is smiling on all of us and wanting only our good: this year and always. Please keep this in mind when you hit bumps in this journey we call life. There's a Spanish saying, "No hay un mal que bien no venga." Roughly translated: there isn't a bad thing that happens that good doesn't come from it. The passing of time, the passing of yet another year. Time is such a strange concept. The other day as I walking my dog in the park I was just about to scold him for smelling yet another blade of grass when I asked myself, "What is my hurry? What do I need to do today? Let him sniff away." What also helped Toby's cause was the fact that it was warm and the wind was blowing kindly. The moral of this short story is: take your time. You have it to spare.

Change is here, whether we like it or not, whether we voted for the person or not. I'm talking of course about the "changing of the guard," Bush out, Obama in, that will happen on Jan. 20th. I continue to pray, as always, for whomever is holding the keys to the Best, and Most Dangerous country in the Free World.

Let me back up here a moment, though, and tell you about how my NYE was spent.

I know I told some of you that I was going to a party with some old college buds and my brother, but I really wasn't planning to do that, since my brother was supposed to be working until midnight.

It's true there was a party, and yes, I did know some of the people at the party from college, but I did not know the actual people hosting the party. I didn't feel comfortable just showing up, especially without my brother, who knew pretty much everyone who was going to be there, including the hosts.

I decided I would treat myself to one of my few 'NYE parties at home.' I went to mass with my mom, and when we returned we had some more of my delish ham (I'm resolving to cook more in '09) for dinner.

After dinner I changed into some flannel jammies (sexy!), my slippers, made some hot chocolate, let my dogs in, turned on the Christmas tree lights and slid in the DVD of 'Pride and Prejudice.' Oh, and I lit some Yankee Candles, cinnamon. I was debating whether I would watch the ball drop.

I was about 2/3 of my way through Pride and Prejudice, enjoying every moment of it, when I got my brother's call.

This was about 10:30p. My brother was able to leave work early and wanted me to join him at the aforementioned party - lots of like-minded liberals there - but also my friends from college, in addition to new people I would meet...

...In ten minutes I was changed and ready to shake my money maker.

It was a blast. I'm glad my brother insisted on me going. We stayed up until 3:30 this morning, talking, dancing, laughing; it was great.

The hosts were gracious, welcoming, and fun.

In the backyard was a homemade pit, for lack of a better word, that was elevated, and we put log after log onto it. The sparks from the fire matched the sparks flying from our happiness at being together. At one point in the evening fireworks light up the calm, dark sky.

I don't know if you do this also dear reader, but I like to think of how I spend my NYE as an indicator of how the NY will go.

SO, when I'm comfortable and happy where I am (I was perfectly okay with staying home and chillin' like a villain), but Life pulls me out of my comfort zone and puts me into something more rewarding, like being with old friends, then bring it '09!

Happy New Year my friends! Cheers!

Gahd bless us all, always.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Isn't it romantic???

Hello www, Heavenly Father bless all eyes reading this blog. May they know and feel your presence, Always. A Special Christmas prayer for everyone. Romance has returned to my life, again - I had released Him years ago, along with memories of my first love, recollections of self-conscious half attempts at affection, sweetly pecked kisses, holding some one's hand tightly, "acting cool," delusional infatuation, and awkward college dates - and I'm happy He's here, and has insisted on me 'giving Him another try.' I am much more savvy (at least I think I am) this time as I curtsy graciously to my idea of his gorgeous body pulling me in close for a... wait for it...*wink* and a sly grin. This time I want to honor Romance as he should be honored: in my heart, mind and soul. This time I will use my latent power to focus and maintain Him in my life. I realize now how important Romance is to Life. How and dull and uninteresting life is without romance... Before I go any further, though, I'd better clarify my definition of romance; let's see what Webster says... Hmm, surprisingly the definition that fits my thoughts best isn't romance at all, but romanticism: which means an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure). What started all this talk of romance anyway? Well...recently (blushing) I was asked to read a silly book meant for teenagers, high schoolers really, about, of all things, vampires. Vampires! I prefer Werewolves. (As some of you may or may not know, I am a dog lover and wolves are their cousins, so there's the fit.) Anyway, as the silk words of the book (the first of four) wrapped themselves around me, and the sweet and terrible tale of the strange pair of lovers washed over me, Romanticism cryptically showed itself at my heart's door, and has continued to be my shadow, as I soon realized when I found the DVD "Becoming Jane." I'd been looking for the DVD ever since the movie came out and at long last I found it, and cheap too!, at Target.

I put the DVD in the player, and relaxed on the couch as the rocky romance between Jane and Tom unfolded. Their story too is tainted and sad, but hopeful at the same time: it has a wistful 'did the right thing' feel to it that cleanses the palate of any malice one might feel for the two destitute lovers. On this lucky trip to Target (more of Romanticism's work?) I was also fortunate enough to find, "A River Runs through it," "Must Love Dogs," and "Pride and Prejudice." Beginning to see a pattern?

It was then that I begin to grasp, yet again, how everything leads back to God, to Jesus. Because ultimately who is our greatest lover? Who is the one being that knows what we need, not what we want, what we need, and gives it to us when we need it?

Thoughts of Jesus lead to thoughts of Christmas; one of the most (next to New Year's) romantic holidays ever. Yes, even over VD (Valentine's Day). During Christmas we think of others, we rest from work, we catch up with old friends; we do all the things that are really important in life. We act like lovers toward each other. We become a people infatuated. It's fantastic. It's exhilarating. And it's because of Jesus' birth.

No matter how many years I have been blessed to spend Christmas with my mom and brother (and, God willing, to spend many more) I am still excited about Christmas day. We may do the same things every year, our traditions, like everyone has, but I am nonetheless eager for Christmas day to arrive. Jesus is born to us all over again.

This year, though, when Christmas time is over, and we go back to 'being real,' and not so happy, or in love with our lives, I am going to do my best to keep Romanticism animated. Romanticism takes work to keep it thriving, and I'm up for the challenge. It is easy to imagine every day events as romantic (*see example below), fun even, to conceive that all around us there is only love. Yes, it is going to be a trial to remind myself that love is all around me, constantly, and even when things aren't going as planned, the love is still there, as God has meant it to be.

I left work the other day and as I was walking to my car, I heard someone rockin' out on the drums. The musician was obviously 'in the zone' of the harmony, the drum beat was highly rhythmical and passionate. I added to the image: some stunning man/woman listening also and watching their lover jam out, taking pleasure in the huge smile on their lover's face, enjoying the melodious sound. Yes, Romanticism is entertaining. Romanticism is an adventure.

Songs I listened to while writing this blog: all from Sting

Shape of my heart; It's Probably me; Consider me gone (Romanticism has a downside too!); Brand new day (go optimistic again); straight to my heart; love is the seventh wave.

Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhd bless us all! Merry Christmas you romantics!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Slices of Heaven

Hello www, Hope all is well with you. Lord bless MikeD with safety on his continued journey around the world; guide and bless our new president-elect Obama with the wisdom of Solomon, and for everyone in the world who is in any kind of economic trouble, may they feel Your Powerful Presence, knowing You are in control, not the cash, and certainly not the problems of this world. In Jesus Name. Amen. I am on a "Days of the New," kick as far as music goes right now. The song that is playing as I write this is "Enemy." But it's not what you think. Check it out on YouTube if you feel so inclined. Nice touches in the video of a chess game being played. Carlton, I think you would like it alot. Thanks again, Carlton, for the burned CD of Days of the New. Once more you have turned me on to a great rock band. God bless and I love you. The other night, after a particularly emotional day with our future leaders of the free world, i.e. my students, I opened the door to my house and let our two dogs bolt in: Towering Toby and Trickster Trisha. Like all dogs everywhere, Toby and Trisha tear rambunctiously through the house, happy to be inside after a long day. This excitement lasted about 10 min max. I had my dinner and sat on the couch to enjoy an hour (2 1/2 hr sessions)of re-runs of the sitcom Scrubs. Even if I've seen an episode millions of times before, I still want to watch it. It's relaxing and cathartic. Turk and JD are freakin' hilarious, in a cute, adolescent sort of way. This episode didn't disappoint. And it was one I hadn't seen. JD asks to Turk, "If you ever donate a body part to me, you know which one I'd want?" Next frame shows JD with a HUGE BUTT. Carla asks JD, "You better have a reason for taking my husband's bedonka-donk-donk." "I do, Carla, I'm building something." Elliot asks, "What?" (music starts) "A She's mightee mightee, jus lettin' it all hang out. She's a" I played the episode on YouTube a couple of times just to get the wording right. Laughing and giggling the whole time. Okay, so when Scrubs is done, I turn off the t.v. The dogs have way mellowed, but have looks on their faces, "Pet us!" As they can tell something is different (the 'click' of the t.v. may have been their clue),Trisha jumps on top of me, with Toby panting in my face. I get on the floor with them and realize something: there is no place I'd rather be at that moment. Mom is in her room, healthy, Spanish channel blaring from her t.v., and I am petting the two most loving dogs in the whole world (I'm biased of course). In those few moments, all is right with the world. "Days in our lives," is playing right now, appropriately enough. There are probably more moments in my life like this, but how often do I recognize them? I do my best to acknowledge these moments, while they are happening is key, and this particular evening I did. So, where are you slices of Heaven? Appreciate them, cherish them, and certainly thank God for them. God bless you always.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe

Hello www, Lord Jesus bless all those in the world who are seeking you, and longing for you: may they feel your healing presence. And Lord? Please give eternal rest and peace to all souls that have died, esp Molly and Max. In Your Name, Jesus, Amen. Many of you might remember the fictional character from "Wall Street," Gordan Gekko, and his statement, "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good." Maybe you don't. If you haven't seen this film, please stop reading my blog, rent the film, view it, and then return to reading. :) I mention Mr. Gekko because I've been wondering about this $700 billion bail out our government did to help some banks and mortgage lenders. This bailout is really the epitome of greed gone awry and the American people, (us) coming to greed's rescue. Mr. Gekko would have thrived in our current economic environment. I keep waiting for Justice to be done, and for someone, or many ones, to go to jail. But alas, I think this situation is too complicated to blame one or more people. In very simple terms, I think the government was trying to do a good thing: let people buy a home. However, I think the banks became gluttonous and saw an opportunity to make LOTS of money. (When the money was needed, my first thoughts turned toward Republicans. I've always considered Republicans as the party with the money. (I know, I know, Obama has raised more money for his campaign than any candidate in recent history, possibly ever. But here I'm talking about historically between Democrats and Republicans.) (I joke that I couldn't be a Republican b/c I can't afford it.)) What always surprises me is how Republicans don't like a lot of government intervention. But who did the US need to turn to when things went askew? We, the government. I like when government intervenes. There are times when we need it. I remember talking to a friend about how the free market should have been left to allow the 'strongest to survive,' whenever we have an airline crises. But when I began to think about the jobs lost and how this would adversely affect the economy, no, the free market should not be the one to decide who is left standing. Really, though, this bail out was to save those bent on 'getting more.' The mentality of 'I want more stuff; I need more stuff. A bigger house. A better car.' ran rampant. We think we need things, and indeed are told by adverts (who are just in to sell things, they don't give a rats arse if we are happy or not) that we need more things. Hey, I am all for people getting what they want, if that makes them happy. What I don't like is when people with a lot of money think they are 'entitled' to be treated differently. They don't want to be heavily taxed on the money they make -- they call this punishment for their wealth. How much wealth is enough? Do people Need a house with twelve rooms, ten cars, a vaction house, or their own island? "To those who have much, much is expected." When I was growing up, I remember living in my grandmother's house: it had seven rooms, but you know what? There were 8 people living in the house. Now, if I have 20 people who are going to live in my house, then sure I need twelve rooms, and all the rest. But I don't understand why a family of three or four needs a HUGE house, with a pool, and many more things...Anyway, I'm not judging you if you are this kind of person. Gahhd bless you, if this is you. I just don't understand this thinking. Were we a country built on church teachings (not just Catholic teachings either)? We are all about keeping God in government, prayer in schools, on our money, but if we're honest with ourselves, these are just symbols. We are sorely lacking as a nation with the motto, 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' I mean if someone with heaps of money was willing to share that with you, wouldn't you be glad they are sharing it? Because if my neighbor IS my brother, sister, etc, then why are people only looking out for themselves, or only their loved ones? Don't other people matter? I think they do. I also happen to think people are basically good and will do what's right, and I know that's naive to think, but it's how I chose to view the world. If you fall on hard times, I will help you out as much as a I can. If I fall on hard times, you would help me out, and so it would go. This is not the reality of the world. But I know that in my corner of the world, which is just the right size for me, is open to helping a brother or sister out of a jam. SO all in all I'm okay with helping out the rascals who got us into this mess, but only because I don't want innocent people to suffer because of their actions. I pray it won't happen again. God bless us, each and everyone, in this time of financial chaos. Amen.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Raise your hand if you're an adult...

Hello www, Hope all is well in your world. Jesus, please bless and guide all the people who read my blog (all two of them, Lord). In Your Name. Amen. The Webster's definition of adult is: NounS: (n) adult, grownup (a fully developed person from maturity onward) S: (n) adult (any mature animal) Adjective S: (adj) adult, big, full-grown, fully grown, grown, grownup ((of animals) fully developed) "an adult animal"; "a grown woman" S: (adj) pornographic, adult (designed to arouse lust) "pornographic films and magazines"; "adult movies" The definition of adult is interesting to me because I always thought of 'adult' as a particular age, like being 20 or 21. Or the age when you can vote, or drive, or go to war. But this definition says 'a fully developed person from maturity onward.' There is no age attached. Sweet. So c'mon now, raise your hands, many of you fit this definition. For some reason people don't like being adults. If you can tell me some reasons why you don't like being an adult, please share. I, however, enjoy being an adult. (If you do as well, please share those thought too!) I like to think of all the things I get to do now that I am an adult: buy a house! Even though I don't like to pay for my house, I am grateful to God for giving me the means to buy a house I love. Hmmmm.... All rightie then, running a little low on other things... I can vote, but then I guess everyone can do that at 18... Drive, but again, 18; see, I'm attaching an age to adult again. My bad. Okay,(inhaling) here goes (exhaling): I can make good, healthy choices, and yes, certainly even mistakes, and be responsible for them. I am learning that I am ultimately in charge of myself, with God's guidance and love. God is always at my helm. And you know what? I am open to learning new things as an adult. I'm not a child who fully relies on her parents for all her needs. I am now a fully grown person who relies on God for all my needs. I'm also not the adolescent who thinks I know it all, or that I know better than my parents; or someone who blames their parents for all the mistakes in their lives. I am my own person, my own adult. A child of God's. Nor am I the naive twenty something that thinks I own the world and everything revolves around me. Some adults get stuck in this mindset. I'm blessed not to count myself in that category. Who can forget being young enough to think you would live forever? My mortality has settled in and I'm okay with it. As an adult I also realize that I've made foolish choices in the past, but now, as I've matured, I can learn from those mistakes and do my best not to repeat them. I know how to take care of myself, understanding what 'take care of myself,' means more fully. As a grown up I realize too that giving someone an 'either/or' choice is the worst thing anyone can give anyone else. Speaking of ultimatum's, I've retracted my 'taunt' to the guy with whom I have much chemistry. I'm here to say, happily, that we are friends once again. (The older I get and the closer I feel to God, I find I am better equipped to handle life's quirks. I want to learn how to be friends with a guy, and here's the perfect opportunity.) As a fully grown person, I know where my path is leading me, no more questions about career, family, finances; my path is leading me to God. With the Holy Spirit's involvement in my life, I know now that the more I understand myself, my surroundings, and all the rest, my understanding of myself has a ripple effect: the people in my life benefit by receiving more empathy, compassion, caring, sense of humor, etc from me, as I feel more suited to know how/when/where to get my needs met. I have a more realistic view of expectations of those around me. With all this said, I must also mention I know I am not perfect, nor do I attempt to be. But, again, as an adult, I accept that about myself. Like the piece of flair a friend sent me recently on Facebook, "I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I'm to die for!" May God bless you and keep you on your journey, wherever you are on this great spectrum we call 'reality.'

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I can only do this...

Hello www, My prayer is that all is well with everyone. And to anyone who is having a hard time right now, know God is in control. As a preacher once said, "Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is." Keep the faith, always. So recently the whole issue of, "Can men and women be friends?" surfaced again. I had the unfortunate job of telling this gentleman (he really was a gentleman, in every sense of the word, just a really sweet guy; a little lost, but then aren't we all?) that we can't be friends. Really, we could blame chemistry. We had too much of it. I wanted to acknowledge it, but, for whatever reason, he didn't. It's okay too, that this didn't work out, sometimes these things happen. LOL I know I've got to be straight with myself. "To thine own self be true," Shakespeare said. And that's what I'm doing: being honest with myself. I knew that remaining friends with this guy, with whom I had lots of chemistry with (or did I already mention this? lol) was going to be difficult. Sure, friendship works out great for him, he gets to enjoy the coolness which is me, but what do I get? Maybe some good conversation, a handshake, possibly a hug, and a silly good-bye wave at the end of the evening, lol. Not that these things are bad, but it's just not the best option, I think, for our interaction. I will be sad, don't get me wrong, about not being friends with this particular individual, but then I would be even sadder always knowing we wouldn't progress into anything and the potential would always be just out of our reach. I will then recover, as I often do, and keep on my merry way. God bless us, each and everyone.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Hello www, I pray everyone is well and happy. I was re-reading some of my past blogs, and the few comments posted. (Thank you, btw, to those who are kind enough to Read AND post comments.) While in review mode, I thought about what a friend said to me about my entry of the rafting trip entitled "Infantile Shananigans." When we talked about that particular blog, I said, "Well it's generated conversation, so there's something good that came from it." He replied quickly, "Yes, but do you want conversation about something bad?" At the time, I said no, but I think I should have said yes. Life isn't all rosy, funny, and upbeat. It is US (with God's help, of course) who make life rosy, funny and upbeat. I understand that there's already too many negative things that happen in our lives to be one of those who adds to it, but I also know that through discussion, even sometimes heated debate, we can work through issues, hopefully opening ourselves up to a greater understanding of the other person's feelings, thoughts and ideas. And, who knows, we may learn something about ourselves in the process as well. I was also 'accused,' in a fun way, of 'losing my edge,' in my blogs. I agree. Recently I was invited to a co-worker's bridal shower. Since we work together, I know there is some obligation I have in participating. Here are some of my issues with this affair. First of all, it's after work (but not at our school) and NOT during the week; it IS on a Saturday, at someone's house. Second of all, I don't particularly relish the thought of spending time outside of work with my associates. Yes, I care about my work team and wish them no ill will, but my time outside of work is just that: My time. We only work together. We aren't bff's, or family, or even sorority sisters. Also, at my job, everyone is pretty much a hypocrite, INCLUDING ME. Now, don't get me wrong, I generally care about people, my colleagues included. My concern, and I know I've expressed this in other blogs, is that my thoughtfulness isn't reciprocated. I'd like to think my caring isn't based on whether people return the consideration, but it is. Consequently, here's what I do: I care about people from a distance. I get hurt too easily knowing that people won't, can't, or aren't thinking of me, and I'm the only one giving. It's just human nature, I think, to want some reciprocation. Back to the shower. I said I would go. But when I began to think about it, I realized that I would only continue my hypocrisy by going. I am happy for this person and I pray that her marriage be a God-centered, strong one. (As some of you may or may not know, I am a prayer warrior when it comes to praying for marriages. I pray for marriages in general on a regular basis.) But my heart was not into this gathering. I was going to be spending money, a little more than I was comfortable spending, on someone I do not know that well. What could I do? Being the caring person I am, and one who clicks on 'yes' to evites way too quickly, oops! I was obligated to go before I could really think about what I'd done. Unfortunately I tried to lie my way out of it, couldn't stand the fact that I lied, came clean, and attended the event anyway. (I made it through the afternoon just fine: had some delicious cake, wished the bride-to-be much happiness in her upcoming nuptials, and continued with my weekend.) Through this experience, though, I think I've hit upon the reason why I am a hypocrite: It is difficult for me to be seriously close to several, and I'm talking 10 or more people, at a time. I also think this is human nature. I'm happy if I can give 100% to my family, one or two close friends, and my students! So, what may seem like hypocrisy really isn't. It's just that I don't have it in me to give 100% of caring to 100% of all the people in my life, ALL the time, which would be ideal. I pray I can do this, and it is a daily goal I pray God help me fulfill, but I have a fatal flaw: I'm human. Only God can do this, and easily! Another thought helps me deal with mine, and others, hypocrisy: it's something a wise woman once told me; 95% of people are flakes; the definition of flakes for me is this: not there for me when I need them to be (whether this is emotionally, spiritually, physically, or mentally). I understand too, I am not immune to being on the 95% side some of the time. My goal, however, is to be on the 5% most of the time, with God's help. With all of this realization, I am able to cut people slack when I feel like they are being hypocrites to me. I am also able to 'assume the best,' from the get go when I keep this in mind. :) Maybe this will help you do the same. God blessssss ya! :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Common thread?

Hello www, Heavenly Father, please bless everyone who is reading this blog right now. May they feel Your Presence, peace and love as they read. Special prayers for those being affected by Gustav, for our military, and for those individuals I said I would say a prayer for, in Jesus name. Amen. I'm going to be jumping around in subjects/topics; I hope you don't get whiplash, he he. Regardless of how you feel about Obama, something historic happened in our country this past week: a person of African American mix was nominated for president. God willing, this will open the way for a woman to be nominated as President. I am astounded by the fact that Gustav has happened 3 years almost to the day that Katrina hit. How often does a hurricane hit the same place? I thought hurricanes were like lightning: they never hit twice in the same place...but then maybe hurricanes have their own rules they live by. I am happy that the city, and our government, was better prepared for this second hurricane. How about the Olympics! WOW! Phelps, I pray you are mature enough to handle the instant fame and money your golds have brought you. But you know what? Even if you mess up, we'll forgive you and still like you. The other athlete I was particulary biased toward is the Jamacian runner Usain Bolt, who broke the world record for the 200m. He is Catholic! I took such pride in seeing him make the sign of the cross before the races, and afterwards. A friend asked if it is better to win more Golds, or to have a mix of medals. At the time I said a mix of medals is better, but thinking about this question more, I thought about my students: would I like for them to make A's, B's and C's, or straight A's? So I'm changing my answer: it's better to have more Golds. :) This doesn't make the US lesser than China. We did get the most overall medals, and that certainly carries weight, and has it's own place of pride. Totally enjoyed watching the women's beach volleyball team: May-Walsh. And of course, Dara Torres must be mentioned. She is my hero! :) She had ALL the tests required of the Olympic athletes, AND some that weren't asked for. She won drug-free. Finally, school started last week. Lord, please bless and guide all teachers everywhere: with compassion, a sense of humor, patience, and love when dealing with students and staff. Jesus, please help all students to do their best, always, and of course to have respect for the authority figures in their lives. God bless everyone.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A few things I've learned...

Hello everyone! :) Hope all is well in your world. Thank God for all His blessings in your life, everyday. As my wise mom has always said, "Without Christ, I am nothing." These are just a few of the things I learned from my black-and-tan, brown-spot-on her-bum weiner dog: #1. Only drink water. #2. Eat one cup of food, twice a day. #3. Always be happy to see everyone. #4. Run around your yard in wild abandon. #5. Choose a good petting over answering the phone. (say!) #6. When the person you love is determinedly involved in three things, and not one of them is you, attack them with kisses. And the most important lesson I learned from Abby: Trust in a being greater than yourself to take care of you, love you, and to always want the best for you. God bless ya.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ch-ch-choose God

Hello www, I pray this blog finds you well and happy. Heavenly Father please be with Ginger and Colin right now, that they may feel Your love, Your courage, and Your healing for the pain they are encountering. Ginger, Colin, may you truly be aware in the depths of your souls, that you are loved children of God, and that He has you in the palm of His hands, and for all marriages: that they be healthy and strong. Remember all single people too, Lord: that they take comfort in knowing You are in control, and that You direct all paths. Thank you Lord, for hearing our prayers and for the many blessings you bestow on all of us. In Jesus' name. Amen. God has chosen us. Family and friends from 3 Vietnamese Catholic congregations left Houston en route for Missouri to attend an annual religious festival last week. The bus crashed in Sherman, TX, bringing their joyful anticipation to an abrupt end, with 17 people dead. As with all terrible situations, people are asking, "Where was God? Why did God 'allow' this to happen?" God isn't to blame for these types of tragedies. God has blessed (some might say curse) human beings with Free Will, and with Free Will comes great responsibility. I am a firm believer that God, and the devil, exist. The choice is ours: Are we open to God or to the devil? The man driving the bus had the Free Will, nay, the obligation, to make sure the bus was operating properly and safely. One of our duties, as human beings, I believe, is to do our jobs (be that a dishwasher in a restaurant, a stay at home mom/dad, the CEO of a large corporation, and everything else in-between) to the absolute best of our abilities. Our occupations are for us to give greater glory to God. The bus driver failed to give glory to God through his livelihood by his irresponsibility toward the maintenance of the bus, and his careless attitude concerning his passengers. God wasn't to blame for this tragedy; human error was. SO, the next time someone asks, "Where was God? Why did God 'allow' this?" Tell them, "A better question to be asking is, 'Where did that person's Free Will play a part in what happened? How are We representing God? How are We using the gifts He has blessed us with?'" May the 17 people who died rest in peace with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. I continue to pray for the souls of the survivors, that their faith stay strong and that they take solace in knowing God has their family and friends now; I pray for the soul of the driver: may his eyes be opened to his wrong doing and the pain he has caused, that he be repentant of his actions, for the Holy Spirit to move his soul to do some sort of reparation for the families. May there be justice for all involved with this catastrophe. God bless ya.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hello www, I pray everyone is well and feeling blessed. Another scorching day awaits. Roll out of bed. Lost five pounds: worth the one hour hike. Put on huge sling-shot and finish with shorts. Little light chases darkness. Squirt, squirt, mosquitoes repelled. Scoop puppy food, dump into gaping bowl in blue house. Tiny polar bear and large fur ball break into home. Crunching sounds heard from blue house. Pink tongue with purple splotch gets an extra collar. Bolt out of door. Sun is still asleep. Ears flapping, bent at thier ends, smelling and happily tugging on the line. Green jumpers cross the sidewalk to dance in sprinklers. Manure's strong aroma followed by flowing manes and round, dark nostrils...Perked ears watching four paws tentatively. Dancing tail is blissfully unaware of anything except wafting odors. Mist to the face keeps white fang moving along. Water is stretching toward crackly crevices, attempting to cover its brown slip, embarrassed at its inability to do so. Drops of the sky's tears are falling in rhythm to swooshing wipes. Too suddenly the crying stops. Shame. Nuetered one shakes off excess. Slip past sun again tomorrow. God bless ya.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

dR. mAnHaTtAn'S view of my trip to the beach

Hello everyone, God's many blessings on every body, as always. I don't know if Carlton will be viewing this entry or not, but this submission is my 'cosmic wink,' to him, in addition to being my rather ambitious attempt to recreate some of his favorite scenes from "Watchmen." ("Watchmen" is a comic book soon-to-be-movie, and one of the main characters, Dr. Manhattan, has a particular way of viewing time, which I will attempt to mimic. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, google Dr. Manhattan, or Watchmen, for more info. OR, look at the site where I took my 'cues' from: The memories are ensconced in my photographic mind. My friends and I are enjoying a scrumptious cookout while Miles Davis plays in the background. The wooden park bench feels comfy and lived in underneath the cozy b and b. It's 2008. In twelve seconds my mind will bring me back from my reverie and I will once again be at my computer typing about my weekend at the beach. I am on the park bench, tasting the delicious steak in my mouth as I'm slowly chewing it. Ten seconds now. I am at my computer typing about my fun weekend at the beach. I am looking at the photographic memory of being on the beach. 96 hours ago. 24 hours into the past, I'm taking photographs with my mind to look at later. I'm there now, taking the photographs. I am sitting on the park bench laughing uncontrollably, taking a swig of beer, seizing the moments of pleasure in being with my friends, listening to the Miles Davis CD, and deliberately masticating on the grilled steak my brother made me. Seven seconds now. It's later July, 2008. I am at my computer relishing memories from my wonderful trip to a B and B and the beach with friends. I'm hitting a shuttle cock (yes, I said shuttle) over a net; I'm on the beach watching the waves come in and listening to the soft *swish* of the ocean. Four seconds. Three. I am tired of trying to fit this blog into past and present, lol. The memories recede to the recesses of my mind to be retrieved again at a later date. I am going to watch the news. So many things happen in the world, and we get the news too late sometimes. "All we ever see of stars is their old photographs." God bless you, every one! :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

When I call you friend

Hello www, Hope all is well in your world. I pray for peace everywhere: in families, between friends, and especially amongst enemies. Readers, I must tell you that this blog entry has been one of the most difficult for me to write. I’ve edited and re-edited this entry a dozen times, and that’s just been in the last day! Every time I thought I wrote what I thought would be a nice way of discussing this topic, my soul just didn’t feel right. And I’ve got to get this right, or it’s just going to come across as insincere and my writing quality will suffer for the ‘lie’ I wrote, so please keep this in mind as you read. As I’m turning the very young age of 40 this weekend and celebrating with friends on the beach, I began to reflect on all the friends I’ve had, and still have, these past 4 decades. When I was little, I remember going to church with my mom, and whenever there was a celebration being held after mass, we would attend. Of course there was always food present at these events, and being a child, I would want to grab a bunch of cookies, or whatever the treat was, and my mom always saying, “Think of others,” which was my mom’s way of basically saying that we weren’t to get all we wanted, that there needed to be enough for everyone to have some. Well this concept of ‘think of others,’ has stayed with me, especially with regard to friendship. I looked up the definition of friendship, just to see what good ol’ Webster had to say about it, “Friendship \Friend"ship\, n. [AS. fre['o]ndscipe. See Friend, and -ship.]1. The state of being friends; friendly relation, or attachment, to a person, or between persons; affection arising from mutual esteem and good will; friendliness; amity; good will. Notice that the definition considers friendship a noun, whereas I would say it is a verb. But this particular definition still didn’t fit my idea of friendship, so I looked at other meanings, “2. Kindly aid; help; assistance, [Obs.]” There it is, my defnition of friendship! When I call you friend, it basically means this: …yes, I will, as a favor to you and our friendship, have your sourpuss of a mother come over to my house for Easter, even though I’m inviting disaster into my home. …yes, I will, pray for your little boy’s illness every time you ask, even though I know you won't contact me again, until you need another prayer(s). …yes, I will, l listen to your problems even though I know you won't ask me about my life, or what’s going on with me. …yes, I will, help you through your “I’m-having-a-hard-time-keeping-my-faith-in-God-right-now,” phase, even though I am almost plummeting into your dark abyss as well. …yes, I will, take a chance on trusting you, even though I know you are a notorious gossip. …yes, I will, take you to and from the doctor for a minor procedure, even though it will take up my time and gas. In all of the above situations I keep Mother Theresa's thoughts close to my heart: People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway. And of course I want to say thank you to my friends for being in my life: be you near or far… Thank you for your kindness to me when I know I don’t deserve it. Thank you for listening to me, even when I’m rambling. Thank you for helping me when I’m in a dark place. Thank you for being yourself and sharing yourself with me. Thank you for forgiving me when I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. Thanks for getting angry with me and ‘setting me straight.’ Thanks for communicating with me when I’d rather be silent. Thanks for loaning me money. Thanks for making me laugh. I appreciate all of you, my dear friends, and all the ways God has blessed me by putting you in my life. I can only hope and pray that I’ve been a good friend to you, and that we are friends for a long, long time. This also reminds me of a cliched, kind-of-cheezy view of friendships, but I'd be remiss if I didn't add it: (author unknown) People come into your life for a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on. When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

God bless ALL friendships.

Monday, July 14, 2008

What the Hek is going on???

Hello www, I pray for peace for everyone, in every aspect of their lives, all over the world. As my BFF Jesus says, "Peace be with you." Also a special prayer for a friend who is having twins today. May her health and the health of her babies be strong. And of course a special intention for Irene, who has an important doctor's appt on Tr...and for everyone I said I'd say a prayer for, this is a prayer for you. :) So I'm listening to NPR this morning and hearing about IndyMac's problems. I didn't even know who or what "IndyMac" was until I find out this morning they are a bank that went bankrupt on Friday. "The bank is the second-largest financial institution to fail in US history." All Things Considered, Monday, July 14th, 2008 This IS the 21st Century, is it not? This whole housing problem has, and probably will continue to have, larger and greater affects on the US economy. I guess I thought of the 'housing slump,' like it was just a pebble thrown into the economic pool of the US economy. A pebble doesn't make a big splash, but the ripples can certainly affect the serenity of the surface, and I think that's what's happened. Then Fannie Mae and Bernie Mac, lol, were you paying attention? That should read FREDDIE Mac, need help by the government. But even with the government's help, FM and FMc could still be in BIG trouble. This is some serious *&^% going down! Gas prices are ASTRONOMICALLY high. For me, offshore drilling IS NOT an option because I think it will harm the environment. Recession is creeping into inflation. I've always marvelled at the New Yorker: it's seemed to me, as a writer, a fantastic goal to achieve, to aspire to be included in, to be a contributor to, to enjoy reading for it's touted intellectual attributes, was truly an accolade worth noting. But I was disappointed with it's cover, unveiled today. I heard the interview with the Editor-in-chief today, David Remnick, again, on NPR, during All Things Considered. It's supposed to be satirical, Mr. Remnick tells us; meaning it was "to hold a pretty harsh light up to the rumors, innuendos, lies about the Obamas. Satire is a different vocabulary than essays, or radio essay, but there it is." 'Politics of Fear' is the title of the article tied to the depiction of the Obamas. I thought better of the New Yorker than to print something so blatantly offensive. I understand satire, but I think this particular arrow missed it's mark. Besides, I don' think a literary magazine needs to be poking it's nose into politics. If I want to know politics, I'll go to the New Republic, Economist... Many of the emails Mr. Remnick is rec'ing has people saying, "I get it, but I don't think so and so's going to get it..." Mr. Remnick seems to think that because one person gets it, and that that person thinks others won't get it, is preposterous. He scoffs at the idea only the highly intelligent will understand the satire... This got me to thinking about intelligence, or lack thereof, esp with regard to some of the above mentioned catastrophes...I decided to research ONE way intelligence is measured, and that is if a person has a college degree or not. In 2003, according to the US Census Bureau Press Release, 27 percent of adults age 25 and over had a college degree, and that was a record! That's not even a 1/3 of our population dear reader! If you'd like to see other interesting tidbits about education in our country, check out this website: I for one am appalled at those numbers. I am an educator, and this just sickens me. So, Mr. Remnick, do you really think Everyone will understand your satire? But you know, I am optimist; I will not end this entry on a negative note. The positive for me is this: alone, I may not be much, though I am a force to be reckoned with, but when I am counted as one of the millions of humankind, ah, there is a force mightier to be dealt with than just me. It is in humanity as a whole where I know God is greatest and He is working with us, and is always working on our behalf. Education, money, fame, whatever, We think is Important, Isn't, and it esp isn't important to God, our Almighty Savior. He is the Great Equalizer. He sees our Souls. Together, as the human race, We can do better. Yes, we have made some Terrible mistakes, but I do think we are learning, however slowly, about our mistakes and We are making an effort to rectify those situations. How? You may ask? Begin by looking into your own heart, what do You do to make the world a better place everyday? Are you kind? Do you smile at perfect strangers? Help little old ladies with their groceries? Maybe you don't do anything 'special,' well guess what? It's not too late to start doing some good, every day. God bless.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hello www, I pray this day finds you well and content knowing you are in God's hands. :) My entry entitled "Infantile Shananigans," caused a great stir in certain circles and has left me thinking about gossip in a whole new way. I decided to go online and do some searches about gossip and came up with interesting results; everything from 'gossip is good,' to 'gossip is a sin.' (Gossiping is a good sin, lol. Kidding) Personally, I think gossip has the potential to be both. According to one article I read, it's sometimes good to gossip because, as this website, whose source is an 8/96 issue of Psychology Today states, "If people aren't talking about other people, it's a signal that something is wrong - that we feel socially alienated or indifferent," says Ralph Rosnow, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Temple University and coauthor of Rumor and Gossip: The Social Psychology of Hearsay. "For a real understanding of our social environment, gossip is essential," agrees Jack Levin, Ph.D., professor of sociology and criminology at Boston's Northeastern University and coauthor of Gossip: The Inside Scoop. "It's primary function is to help us make social comparisons. For example, ...(if we) get into the gruesome details of our neighbor's misery over a cup of coffee, our own problems begin to pale in comparison...Gossip is a way for people to let you know, without confrontation, the limits on personal behavior. If you move into a community and your neighbor tells you how the previous homeowner never disposed of his garbage properly, his gossip is letting you in on something else. Gossip shepherds the herd. It says: these are the boundaries and you're crossing them. You're not abiding by the rules and you'd better get back in step," says Rosnow." Interesting, huh? Then of course the reasons we gossip, taken from a PBS kids site, of all places! I liked the way PBS urges us to handle our children when we find out they gossip. I also think adults can benefit from what the kids site offers. Here's the site: Here are the reasons: to feel superior; to feel like part of a group; for attention; for control or power; out of jealousy or a need for revenge; out of boredom; Then I went to a Catholic website to find out what the Church teaches on gossip; Before getting into what the bible teaches, I want to mention what the site says about gossiping specifically in the bible: "Gossip, however, is not one of the literary forms scholars find in their Bibles. Still, that doesn’t mean the Bible is unconcerned with how people talk about each other." And what does the bible say, pray tell? (no pun intended) "As people might expect, the Book of Proverbs has a great deal to say about the harm done by talking about other people. In Proverbs 2:12 gossip is a part of the “way of evil” we should keep away from; It (every good path) will save you from the way of evil, from those who speak perversely. False witness is presented as the sort of inevitable stock-in-trade of gossipers in Proverbs 21:28:“A false witness will perish, but a good listener will testify successfully.” Advice from Jesus Son of Sirach is to keep one’s mouth shut.“A bad name incurs shame and reproach; so it is with the double-tongued sinner” (Sirach 6:1)." The PBS site also gave some suggestions on how to avoid gossiping: Decide whether it’s hurtful or harmless. When you hear something about someone you know and have the urge to pass it on, don’t think about whether it’s true or not. Instead, ask yourself these questions: Why do I want to pass this on? Would I want people to know this kind of informationabout me? How will this person feel if he or she knew this rumor was being spread? Will this rumor reduce this person’s status or make him or her excluded from the group? Your answers will help you figure out the right thing to do. AND, Make the rumor stop with you; Don't be an audience; Be a peacemaker; Respect other's privacy; Get the facts; All rightie, then, I'm off to pratice my new attitude about rumor spreading... God bless, and may U2 become Gossip-free.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Tell me, how do you eat your Oreo cookies?

Hello www, Many blessings to you. While on the rafting trip the discussion of cookies came up...SO, what is your favorite cookie and why? How do you eat your favorite cookie? How do you eat your Oreos? Mad Dog and Joel have a friend who eats them with OJ! ICK. I like to put the whole Oreo cookie in my mouth and then drink milk. MMM, love all that delicious crunchiness! :) I also like Chocolate Chip cookies, the old school ones, he he. I eat all my cookies with skim milk, lol. I dunk the Chocolate chips in my milk and then eat them. All right, your turn! :)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Infantile Shananigans

Hello www, My prayers are for you to be well, happy, and blessed. Numerous special prayers for Bridget, who is going through a rough time right now. This past weekend I went on a rafting trip with my church. It was a fun time and I got to hang out with what I would consider my idea of the superheroes from X-men, but these are "X-women": four talented, intelligent, fun, athletic women. I am blessed to have had such groovy company, and to be surrounded by these brilliant people. We prayed a rosary in my car on the way to the river, which was uniquely special. Austin, Tx is an interesting place. I was amazed by the variety of people who live in the city, and surrounding area. For example, while en route to a jazz club, there were two women painted in black Lycra (like Mystique from the X-men) outside the place where the jazz club was, who were waving people in to view a photography show being held above the club. (By law the women had to have underwear on, but 'everything else' had Lycra covering it.) Then there was the man with a beard and huge breasts...he would give Dolly Parton a challenge in a wet t-shirt contest. Austin is doing just fine in keeping itself weird, lol. I was disappointed, though, Austin, you didn't offer up a good live U2 mimic band. But then for four dollars, what was to be expected? Maybe next time... The rafting was uneventful, which was nice, UNTIL, we hit/landed on a boulder (okay a ginormous stone) and could not break free. The six people raft, with four passengers inside it, sat sadly on top of the peak of the jagged rock, wanting to go with the flow, only to be restricted, which was scary in and of itself, but what was even more frightening were the two people who got swept beneath our raft. Joel and Heroine were able to get them out from underneath, but there were some tense moments. The water angrily gushed into our raft, YIKES! With the help of a few kind strangers (The Austin area has highly affable folks) we did get free and continued our float down the waterway without anymore harrowing events, and the ensnared persons were okay. Thank you Lord for always being with us. I will forever remember how fun it was to watch and egg on Heroine, Claire and Joel as they used a rope and jumped off a small cliff towards the end of the river ride. Heroine, Claire, Joel and Elizabeth got in and out of the raft to swim, looking elegant as they were engulfed by the stream, and help with moving the raft along, for which I am very grateful. I know Bridget is too. Thanks you all, we wouldn't have enjoyed the rafting nearly as much if we had been with a different group of people. :)I am also genuinely happy to comment on how well the five of us got along. Watch out world! :) We are a force to be reckoned with, he he. There was a bit of a debate about Should folks be allowed to live close to a natural watercourse? I didn't think they should be, my reason being that some places are sacred and should be treated as such, and natural areas, like this trivulet, was one of those places; I also mentioned how Central Park in NYC was treated with inviolability...Others said people had a right to own land, even if it were near a beautiful torrent. Men. I remember a Seinfeld episode where Seinfeld says, "Men...You see men with women. How are men getting women, many people wonder. Let me tell you a little bit about our organization...We have a man working on the situation right now. Now, he may not be our best man, OK, we have a lot of areas to cover, but someone from our staff is on the scene..." Three men on the trip were not the finest for any given situation. Heroine, Claire, and Elizabeth had to ride down with an AH. AH was too enamored with the breast size of his new friend, BB, who was sitting in the front seat next to him, to properly drive his vehicle. He was swerving a great deal and this was making Heroine sick to her stomach, on many levels. When he was asked to please watch where he was driving, he veered off the road and back on again, joking, "You don't like this?" Heroine and AH had become friends leading up to this trip. Friends, in Heroine's mind anyway, through and through; AH had called her while out of town, shared personal information with her. Not asking her out, but certainly talking on the phone to her a lot, which was fine with her; as a result she happily got to know someone who was dissimilar to her in almost every way. It helped that AH wasn't too hard on the eyes either. But with AH's behavior towards BB, and subsequent actions he took later, she was quickly finding him repulsive. Well Bobo and Obob were hard on the eyes, and they did not play well with others. I'm always suspicious of people who brag about being 'outgoing,' and 'the most pleasant people in the world.' Bobo and Obob turned out to be punks. Only later was it found out the 'genius' of their humor. Bobo claimed to have thought about becoming a priest, and that he was a runner...Bobo didn't take communion at mass on Sunday, not that I'm judging, I was just surprised by his behavior if in fact he was considering the priesthood (found out later he wasn't), as for the claim to be a runner: he was also not exactly the tiniest of people... I wanted to take the Fab Five (FF) in my car to the river, so we'd be sure and get a raft together...We thought swapping out Bobo and Obob for the Fab Five would be an easy transition. Since AH drove some of the FF in his vehicle, we asked if it would be okay that Bobo and Obob, who drove down with me, could drive down with him in his automobile. AH agreed to the swap. Or so we thought. As all of us were leaving in my motor vehicle, we see Bobo and Obob trailing people who were not of AH's group. AH took BB and two of her friends instead! We were furious! I especially felt bad about the turn of events. But then too, I became conscious of the fact that Bobo and Obob were not exactly the outgoing, friendly people they claimed they were...With this realization, I felt slightly less guilty. (Later it was learned they went in a four person raft by themselves.) When on a trip like this, you need to meet people, or hang out with people you don't know! But maybe this is not universal knowledge, I admit. Even if I knew individuals, I met new human beings, intentionally sometimes, but also by default of the seating arrangements. Certain people, maybe lots of people, are just clueless about social circumstances. Bobo and Obob were. When the whole group got together to eat, I became more cognizant of these two gentlemen's social ineptitude. It was as if they purposely sat by themselves, apart from everyone. All in all, the trip was a decent experience. :) There is much more to say about AH's, Bobo's, and Obob's behavior, but that would take energy that can be better spent ending this blog entry on a positive note, which is this: always be thankful for your state of affairs, taking solace knowing God is with us through everything. God has our backs. :) Addendum: A good friend tonight mentioned how I was being mean and hurtful to some of the abovementioned people, and for that I do apologize. I thought I was only 'stating the facts,' but maybe that was the wrong approach. Again, NOT judging Bobo on not taking communion, but you know what, all in all, that is NONE OF MY BUSINESS, and to that I do admit. Again, my apologies. However, I do believe in my right to free speech, and I am leaving this entry as it is, but I did tell my friend that I would post his comments for him about this entry. SO there you have them. Make of them what You will.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Blog worthy?

Hello www, I pray everyone/thing in your world is well. This 'poem' of sorts, is based loosely on the song by Sara Bareilles', "Love Song." My heads not underwater So when you tell me to breathe easy I'm looking at you and thinking, "Wtf?" You made room for me But it's too soon to see If I'd be happy in your hands I'm unusually hard to hold on to I have too many thoughts to write about and there's no easy way to say this You mean well but you make this hard on me I'm not going to put you in my blog just because you asked me to just because you need it You see, I'm not going to put you in my blog Cause you tell me it's making or breaking this If you're on your way I'm not going to write you to stay If all you have is being a playah I'm going to need a better reason To write you in my blog Today Today. . . I didn't learn the hard way that men say things you want to hear If you have twisted words inside that you feel you need to let out on me don't bother And if you aren't who you are I can easily say 'hi' and 'good-bye' Convince me Make me think, nay know, this would be something good that this would enhance my life Hear me as I am God has promised me He will Leave His light on To help me see His Light, His guidance Why do you want to be in my blog? Because you asked for it? Because you need it? If your heart is no where in this I don't want it for a minute Babe, I'd walk the seven seas When I believe there's a reason to write you in my blog Today. Today. . .

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Most Excellent Quest

Hello world wide web,
I pray this day finds you blessed, happy and healthy. 
My good friend Mike has recently been able to make the awe-inspiring dream of traveling the world, i.e. traveling around the world, come true. From the USA-NYC, to all points in between, and then back to the US. (I don't know all the details, but here's Mike's blog address so you can read about his adventures.) Does anyone else feel the magnitude of this undertaking? I know Mike's been getting some interesting responses when he tells people what he's going to do: "Did you get fired?" "Why would you do something like that?" "You are not being responsible." I applaud my friend for taking on this endeavor. I think it's fantastic! He is not married (watch out world!), has no children, no mortgage, none of the usual ties that keep people from doing this sort of thing. He has the backing of his family, most of his friends, lol, his degree, and the wide open world waiting for him to explore it. I cannot think of anyone more qualified for this excursion. Mike is a God-centered, high energy, lover of humanity, intelligent individual who will spend his days learning, looking, listening, and participating in the sights and sounds most people can't even imagine, and/or won't ever have the opportunity to experience. I'm also sure a beer or two(s) will be shared with many a fascinating character(s). His first stop in August will be to Dublin, Ireland. His entire trip will take 7 months. He will stay about a month in each location. Although he will be missed terribly, I am happy he is going on this voyage. He will not be returning to Dallas, as his other dream is to work in NYC. I admire his FS. FSs are in small demand these days, and more's the pity. We sure could use the outlook. Mike, God bless you and keep you my friend.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Judge Not

Hello www, I pray this blog finds everyone well and happy. “I like everyone until I get to know them.” My friend Silvia and I were talking on the phone last month, and Silvia was telling me about her good friend Sherry. “Sherry has a great husband and yet she’s cheating on him. The man she’s cheating on her husband with, Matthew, is nice enough, but he’s married too. And sometimes they have sex in the back of Matthew’s car! Sherry calls Matthew from my house. Sherry’s husband recently found out about her affair with Matthew, and as a consequence Sherry and her husband are going to marriage counseling. Matthew’s been calling me to find out how Sherry’s doing.” I just listened to Silvia, but I secretly hoped I wouldn’t be introduced to this particular friend. Well not too long after Silvia told me about Sherry, I visited Silvia, and since she lives out of town, I stayed for the weekend. Silvia mentioned a meeting between Sherry and me on Friday. I said nothing. Saturday flew by and I still hadn’t met Sherry. That was fine by me. Sunday arrives. I am 45 minutes away from leaving. Sherry has called and told Silvia she’s coming over. Silvia has a quick errand to run. I offer to stay with Silvia’s eight-year-old daughter, Adriana, while Silvia runs the errand. The phone rings, the answering machine picks up, and Sherry’s voice fills the house, “Silvia, I’m at your house. Where are you?” Adriana and I are playing on the computer. Adriana wants a glass of milk. When we both go to the kitchen to get it, we see someone at the front door, looking inside the house from the side window. Adriana tells me, “Lisa, its Sherry, mom’s friend.” “I know, Adriana, but your mom isn’t here and I don’t feel comfortable letting her in.” “But she’s seen us, and she’s mom’s friend. Can I at least tell her where my mom went?” “Sure, honey, just don’t let her in.” Adriana explains to Sherry where Silvia is as Sherry gently pushes Adriana out of her way saying, “I want to meet your Aunt.” “Cousin,” I correct her from the kitchen. “Cousin. Hi there, I’m Sherry.” I stiffen and don’t respond to the hug she gives me. Sherry gushes, “I’ve heard so much about you.” Curtly I say, “And I’ve heard so much about you too!” “Lisa, come and play with me,” Adriana calls from the computer room. Without excusing myself, I ‘walk’ to the computer room. “Oh hi, Russ.” Sherry is on the phone. Suddenly, thoughts of Jesus enter my head. “Who did Jesus spend time with? Serious sinners. Tax collectors and prostitutes. Who am I? And who am I to judge?” I gather my things and get ready to walk to my car. On the way out the door, I sincerely express regret to Sherry, “My profuse apologies for my chilly reception; I wasn’t comfortable letting someone in when Silvia isn’t here.” Very graciously Sherry answers, “Oh that’s okay. No problem.” . . . There are some people I don’t want to meet to found out if I’ll like them or not. . . . Saint Catherine of Sienna asked Jesus, “Why shouldn’t we judge people?” Jesus’ reply, “It’s not that you shouldn’t judge, it’s that you can’t. You don’t know what’s in a person’s heart.” I still feel bad I was spiteful towards Sherry, even today. Although, if I hadn’t experienced the dealings with Sherry I did, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to examine why I judge and when I am cruelly judging. When I am being hurtful in my sentiments toward someone, I remind myself of Jesus’ example. . . . Will You judge me for how I behaved? Probably. But that doesn’t bother me nearly as much as how I judge myself. . . . BTW: My friend Silvia was Not Happy, of course, about my behavior to her friend, even though I did sincerely apologize to Sherry. I asked for forgiveness from Silvia as well; Silvia accepted my apology, but has decided it be best we take a break from talking to each other. . . . As for Sherry: I pray for her, her marriage, and her children on a regular basis. . . . TOTAL SIDE THOUGHT: should Silvia be talking about her good friend like this in the first place?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Power of Prayer (POP)

Hello www, How are things in your world today? I pray this posting finds you well and happy. Anyone who's acquainted with me (and I want you to be familiar with me, dear reader) knows that I am a Serious Prayer Person (SPP). By this I mean I pray...A LOT. I believe in the POP. Yesterday before I began looking in earnest for a Beachhouse (BH) for my bday, my mom and I prayed that I would find a good place for my friends and I to enjoy, and something that was reasonably priced. My mom threw in, "and safe." Then I began looking on the web. Nothing was working out for my friends and I, at first. The dates were taken. The BH wasn't available for just the weekend. Now, if some other party rented the BH for a week, and that weekend was open, we could have it. I heard many, "Call me later this month," suggestions. My fear was that later they would be booked; people were starting to book their vacations, it's June. So calling later wasn't going to work for me. I searched farther down the coast, and farther up the coast to see if anything would suit our needs. Nothing did. Then there was the whole, "Email the owner," process which just took more time away. Then there was the deposit money. I only had around 300 dollars and most places wanted at least 375 to 500. Remarkably, I kept my faith in God. I knew He was helping me, I just hadn't figured out how He was helping, lol. But I kept thinking positive and knew that something was going to hint me in the direction God wanted me to go. OR, if I wasn't supposed to go to the beach with my friends, I was open to that as well. On one of my calls, I reached a cantankerous owner living in Fl, who had property here in Tx, but he didn't have any BH's I could rent, for the number of people going, or the amount I was willing to pay. Then he said, "Why don't you try staying in a hotel? That would probably be your best bet." Perhaps he was right, so I googled hotels. came up, but when I entered in the information, nothing happened, the site was down. It was then that I just googled businesses in the area I wanted. I thought maybe I could find hotels close to the beach that way. What I found instead was a Bed and Breakfast (a BandB). When I spoke to the owner, Carol, she was v. nice and listened to what I was looking for in a place to stay. She said, "Let me check my calendar for those dates...I know I have a family reunion the first part of the month. It will be a miracle if I have that date open. Yes! I do! Wow, that is a rare thing. I'm usually pretty booked by now. " When she used the words that I put in italics above, I decided to mention how my friends and I were Christians. She said she was Christian also, and invited me to her church. :) At first I didn't think a BandB was going to work for my group, but it turns out it does. AND: for Less money for the time of our stay than the other places; in addition, the deposit was also Less. Needless to say, I reserved the place. I hung up the phone and went into my mom's room and we said a prayer of thanks to God. So, dear reader, I encourage you to pray. Pray for people, and for situations, not just for things. When your prayers are answered, remember to pray a prayer of thanks. The prayer of thanksgiving is almost as important as your supplication. I know my example is about a thing, but that isn't the only thing I pray for, and it shouldn't be all you pray for either. :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

My apology to the Tall Gentleman

Hello World, How is everyone today? Many blessings to each and everyone, always. There has been one thing about this past Friday night's outing that I failed to mention...and it's been weighing on me ever since it happened. While sitting outside in the gorgeous evening, 'M' innocently commented on a Really Tall Gentlemen close to the door of the bar. "How tall do you think he is?" she asked all of us. I figured he was at least 6'7", but others didn't think he was taller than 6'5" or so. Being a bold, impulsive person (I am working on the impulsive part, lol) I offered to ask the guy how tall he was. There were a few in our group who didn't think this was a good idea, but I didn't hear their protests, and I was off to ask. I thought it would be a fun excursion; a close friend of mine from my childhood was tall and good-natured, I expected no less from this person. When I approached the tall gentleman, I said, "Listen, a group of us were guessing how tall you are..." Before I finished, he said, "9 inches." I tried asking him again, and he cut in and said, "7 inches. Is that what you were guessing?" He was surrounded by two other guys and I said, "Well that is rude." One of his friends said, "No, You're being rude. How much do you weigh?" With total surprise showing on my face, I walked away from them. I wasn't too hurt by the interaction and laughed it off to the others when I returned. Now I heard the, "I knew it wasn't a good idea to go and ask him. Some people have complexes about those kinds of things," comments. Oh well. I told you, I'm still learning to be less impulsive. But this guy's reaction reminded me of a Scrubs episode. Yes, a t.v. show. I like Scrubs, and even if it is a sitcom, sometimes it has v. poignant things to say. Let me give you an example. I found this transcription from a Scrubs episode entitled, "My Lips are Sealed." The episode is between Elliot and one of her patients, Mr. Gerst. Elliot: Mr. Gerst, what seems to be the problem? Gerst: I took some pills. Elliot: Come on, help me out here. Were they happy pills, sad pills, sleepy pills, wake up pills, sane pills, pain pills, brain pills, Spain pills... Gerst: Man pills? The commercial says I should consult a physician if the condition persists for more than four hours. Elliot: If what persists? [Mr. Gerst, who had a baseball cap on his lap stands up... And the baseball cap doesn't fall to the ground] Oh! Um... Let's just say you took uppers. Elliot leaves to get Kelso, the chief of medicine at the hospital. Elliot: [She's pulling Dr. Kelso by the arm.] You're coming in because you need to set an example of professionalism and you're certainly not going to do that by making fun of that man's slinky-doo. Kelso: Don't pull me, I'm your boss for God's-- Hello! [They're in Mr. Gerst's room.] Elliot: So, Mr. Gerst. Your situation doesn't seem to be reversing itself. I think we're going to need to schedule a procedure to relieve the... uh... Kelso: Woodiness. Gerst: My fiancee's only twenty-four and she said she wanted to do something special this morning. Turns out she just meant having breakfast with her family. [Elliot beings to whimper.] The pills didn't really kick in until just about the moment I'm introduced to her ninety year old grandma. Sure enough, that little lady gives me the waist hug from her wheelchair. [Elliot's finding it harder and harder to not laugh.] Elliot: Excuse me, I need that chart. [She turns around to compose herself.] Kelso: Sweetheart, it's not healthy to hold it in. Just let it out. You know you want to. Elliot: I'm fine. [They turn back around.] Gerst: I pulled away from that encounter with all of Grandma Helen's breathing apparatus. [Elliot can't contain herself and starts cracking up.] Kelso: My work here is done. Elliot: Oh my God, I can't stop! Sorry! I have to pee! [Elliot's at the Nurse's Station] Elliot: I'm such a horrible person. I mean, there I was, up on my high horse about Mr. Gerst and then I just turned out to be just as bad as everyone else. Kelso: Sweetheart, give yourself some credit. You're much worse than everyone else. Elliot: Maybe I was. But you know what? I'm going to try to better myself, and unlike you, I'm going to follow through, Mr. "Sign up on the Hospital Bulletin Board for Private German Lessons and then Never Show Up"! Yeah, that's right. That was my flyer! [In German] I waited at that coffee shop for hours. Kelso: I broke up with my German mistress. She smelled like sauerkraut. Elliot: I'm so sorry. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go into that room right now, and own up to what I did. [Mr. Gerst's Room] Gerst: [He hears the door close, but doesn't see anyone.] Hello? Did someone come in? [Elliot is hiding in the doorway, out of sight.] Gerst: [He's talking to a friend on the phone.] Dude, that did not happen. No, I'm in the hospital because I-- They think I have Avian Flu. [Elliot clears her throat and comes out of her hiding place.] I gotta call you back. How long have you been there? Elliot: Forty-seven... Forty-eight minutes. I'm not sure, I nodded off for a while. Mr. Gerst, I'm so sorry for laughing at you. But I have to tell you a story. When I was in the seventh grade, I was at a roller rink and I needed to go to the bathroom. So I just skated right on into a stall and I did my, uh, private business. And then when I went to pull up my pants, I started rolling towards the door, which as it turned out wasn't latched. Now, I don't know if you've had any experience roller skating with your underpants around your ankles--it's very difficult to stop. Unless of course, you know, you scream so loud that they turn off the music and everyone is looking at you. Anyway, that's how I wound up with the nickname "Roller Moler". Gerst: I'm sorry? Elliot: I have a mole on my ass. [She indicates the spot with her finger.] The cute kind! Not the hairy kind. Anyway, the next day at school I showed up with roller skates on and everybody cracked up. Gerst: Why are you telling me this? Elliot: Because I owned up to it. This is funny, Mr. Gerst. And if you don't just embrace it and become part of the joke then it will follow you around and devour you. Gerst: Can I get a look at that mole? Elliot: No. Ahem. No. Gerst: [On the phone.] Yeah! And then I pulled off Grandma's breathing apparatus. No, I'm serious! As my older bro so wonderfully pointed out, I did not in fact apologize to the Tall Gentleman. Having said this, I would like to apologize now: Tall Gentleman, please forgive me for asking you how tall you are. I hope you accept my apology. Thanks. Now that I've apologized, I'd like to point out: if Mr. Tall Gentleman had owned up to his 'tallness,' and made it a humorous situation, or something positive at least, then it wouldn't haunt him anymore, and that's my wish for him: that he be okay with his tallness and that it not be an issue for him anymore. SO, to all you Tall, Short, Fat, Skinny, and others who may have issues with a particular aspect of your body, my wish for you is that you consider your issue a blessing rather than a curse. Stop the haunting, lol. God bless!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Friendships are Relationships

Hello everyone! :)
How is the world today? I hope all is well and many blessings to everybody! I just recently met a new friend, a woman, and we have been talking on the phone Non-stop since we've met, which is great. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her better. I mentioned to my new friend, Bridget, how friendships are relationships, not romantic ones, of course, but relationships none the less. For instance I asked her, and you can laugh about this, if our friendship was moving too fast, and was she afraid things between us were moving too quickly? LOL After laughing at the comparision, and agreeing with the analogy, she confidently assured me things were moving along just fine, and I agreed.
Interesting though, right? Another good friend, a woman named Irene, said she once felt like she was getting 'friend dumped'. Irene's friend wasn't calling her v. often, Irene was doing all the calling, her friend wasn't making time to get together with Irene, and when they spoke on the phone, the conversations were brief. (sound familiar women? Ever had a bf behave this way to you?) Thankfully, they did work things out, and no, she didn't get friend dumped. :) Can men and women be friends? I don't think so, but my new friend, Bridget, thinks you can. I think she can. My perspective is that if a guy is friends with a woman, he likes her, or vice versa. Guys have told Bridget that men aren't friends with women. Men hang out with women they are interested in, and not for any other reason. I imagine that for men it boils down to 'pie.' 'Pie' gets in the way of friendships between men and women. I know when I am friends with my brother's friends, they don't want to hang out with me unless my brother is there. I suppose they believe I like them, or I might feel they like me, or they just sense it would be too complicated, or too confusing. Subsequently, I don't have any guy friends, which is sad, but that's just the way it's worked. And, yes, this sort of contradicts what I said about men/women being friends. I just wanted to let the reader know I have tried to be friends with men. The exception to the man/woman friendship is this: if the man is gay, then the man can be friends with the woman. No 'pie' question there! LOL This is a great friendship too! Talk about some great advice from the gay man on clothing, etc! It's fantastic. If you'd like to weigh in on this topic, feel free to leave comments. God bless!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fun Night out on the town

Hello everyone! :) How's every body? I hope all is well and happy in your world. Here things are just peachy! Went to a great happy hour, mingled, met some interesting, fun and good looking people (okay, good-looking men). From Blue Mesa, the HH, a group of us went to Sherlock's. A live band, bigdaddy, was playing. They were okay. :) Discussion ranged from who is a better guitarist: Eric Clapton or Mark Knopfler (most liked EC, I chose MK), to if money wasn't an object what kind of car would you buy? Lamborghini, Bentley, Ferrari, and Rolls Royce... Of course something lead to a Seinfeld episode. I mentioned the one where George gives up sex and becomes smarter. He is able to finish a Rubik cube in minutes, if not faster, and how he knows answers on Jeopardy!; Elaine also gives up sex and becomes dumber. She sees two tires spinning on top of each other and is laughing bemusedly while clapping her hands. A Bon Jovi song came on the sound system, and there was a Bon Jovi fan in our group and I said, "Bon Jovi is a rock star wanna be." Well this sparked some lively debate. I still think he's a wanna be. 80's music was mentioned: Ratt, Talk-Talk, Eurthymics, Madonna, etc. The song, "People Get Ready," by Jeff Beck and Rod Stewart was mentioned. Wow! I hadn't thought about that song in YEARS. I looked it up and added it to my YouTube list of music, but I don't know if it holds up...U2, my all time favorite band, was mentioned and some songs by them I hadn't thought about in years, like Wire, came up, and then I started to think of all my favorite songs from the Unforgettable Fire I liked and hadn't added to my YouTube videos for U2. So I had to add them this morning. It is already a large list. Movies! Everyone likes them. Which one is your favorite? We talked about Nacho Libre. "A punch to the face, kick to the face...How did you find me? I saw you from the village." Giggles spread in concentric circles. I consider it a good night if people are laughing and smiling, and that certainly happened last night, but if I can make people laugh, and a hearty laugh, not some polite half-hearted chuckle, then it is a Fantastic Evening. Last night was an FE. Which SuperHero magic power do you wish you had? Last night flying by far was the most popular. Mine was being invisible...Just think of it! You could be at the White House, etc, and no one would know! lol I thank God for all the blessings I've received in my life, and for such a wonderful time tonight. God bless each and everyone.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Hello World Wide Web, How is everyone in the world today? :) Peace and love to all who read this, and even to those who don't! ;) In my world, the DFW area, on June 5th, 2008, things are a bit strange. There have been at least three deaths (things work in 3's), in my extended family. But you know, with death comes the Resurrection... I've decided to start blogging because of my friend Mike. Mike, here's to you buddy! Thanks for pushing this 'writer' to write on the www. Today has been rather long, and I don't want to make it longer by blogging anymore tonight. Good night world, God bless.


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