Sunday, September 28, 2008
Raise your hand if you're an adult...
Hello www,
Hope all is well in your world.
Jesus, please bless and guide all the people who read my blog (all two of them, Lord). In Your Name. Amen.
The Webster's definition of adult is:
NounS: (n) adult, grownup (a fully developed person from maturity onward)
S: (n) adult (any mature animal)
S: (adj) adult, big, full-grown, fully grown, grown, grownup ((of animals) fully developed) "an adult animal"; "a grown woman"
S: (adj) pornographic, adult (designed to arouse lust) "pornographic films and magazines"; "adult movies"
The definition of adult is interesting to me because I always thought of 'adult' as a particular age, like being 20 or 21. Or the age when you can vote, or drive, or go to war. But this definition says 'a fully developed person from maturity onward.' There is no age attached. Sweet.
So c'mon now, raise your hands, many of you fit this definition.
For some reason people don't like being adults. If you can tell me some reasons why you don't like being an adult, please share.
I, however, enjoy being an adult. (If you do as well, please share those thought too!)
I like to think of all the things I get to do now that I am an adult: buy a house! Even though I don't like to pay for my house, I am grateful to God for giving me the means to buy a house I love.
All rightie then, running a little low on other things...
I can vote, but then I guess everyone can do that at 18...
Drive, but again, 18; see, I'm attaching an age to adult again. My bad.
Okay,(inhaling) here goes (exhaling): I can make good, healthy choices, and yes, certainly even mistakes, and be responsible for them. I am learning that I am ultimately in charge of myself, with God's guidance and love. God is always at my helm.
And you know what? I am open to learning new things as an adult. I'm not a child who fully relies on her parents for all her needs. I am now a fully grown person who relies on God for all my needs.
I'm also not the adolescent who thinks I know it all, or that I know better than my parents; or someone who blames their parents for all the mistakes in their lives.
I am my own person, my own adult. A child of God's.
Nor am I the naive twenty something that thinks I own the world and everything revolves around me. Some adults get stuck in this mindset. I'm blessed not to count myself in that category.
Who can forget being young enough to think you would live forever? My mortality has settled in and I'm okay with it.
As an adult I also realize that I've made foolish choices in the past, but now, as I've matured, I can learn from those mistakes and do my best not to repeat them.
I know how to take care of myself, understanding what 'take care of myself,' means more fully.
As a grown up I realize too that giving someone an 'either/or' choice is the worst thing anyone can give anyone else.
Speaking of ultimatum's, I've retracted my 'taunt' to the guy with whom I have much chemistry. I'm here to say, happily, that we are friends once again.
(The older I get and the closer I feel to God, I find I am better equipped to handle life's quirks. I want to learn how to be friends with a guy, and here's the perfect opportunity.)
As a fully grown person, I know where my path is leading me, no more questions about career, family, finances; my path is leading me to God. With the Holy Spirit's involvement in my life, I know now that the more I understand myself, my surroundings, and all the rest, my understanding of myself has a ripple effect: the people in my life benefit by receiving more empathy, compassion, caring, sense of humor, etc from me, as I feel more suited to know how/when/where to get my needs met. I have a more realistic view of expectations of those around me.
With all this said, I must also mention I know I am not perfect, nor do I attempt to be. But, again, as an adult, I accept that about myself.
Like the piece of flair a friend sent me recently on Facebook, "I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I'm to die for!"
May God bless you and keep you on your journey, wherever you are on this great spectrum we call 'reality.'
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