Sunday, September 28, 2008
Raise your hand if you're an adult...
Hello www,
Hope all is well in your world.
Jesus, please bless and guide all the people who read my blog (all two of them, Lord). In Your Name. Amen.
The Webster's definition of adult is:
NounS: (n) adult, grownup (a fully developed person from maturity onward)
S: (n) adult (any mature animal)
S: (adj) adult, big, full-grown, fully grown, grown, grownup ((of animals) fully developed) "an adult animal"; "a grown woman"
S: (adj) pornographic, adult (designed to arouse lust) "pornographic films and magazines"; "adult movies"
The definition of adult is interesting to me because I always thought of 'adult' as a particular age, like being 20 or 21. Or the age when you can vote, or drive, or go to war. But this definition says 'a fully developed person from maturity onward.' There is no age attached. Sweet.
So c'mon now, raise your hands, many of you fit this definition.
For some reason people don't like being adults. If you can tell me some reasons why you don't like being an adult, please share.
I, however, enjoy being an adult. (If you do as well, please share those thought too!)
I like to think of all the things I get to do now that I am an adult: buy a house! Even though I don't like to pay for my house, I am grateful to God for giving me the means to buy a house I love.
All rightie then, running a little low on other things...
I can vote, but then I guess everyone can do that at 18...
Drive, but again, 18; see, I'm attaching an age to adult again. My bad.
Okay,(inhaling) here goes (exhaling): I can make good, healthy choices, and yes, certainly even mistakes, and be responsible for them. I am learning that I am ultimately in charge of myself, with God's guidance and love. God is always at my helm.
And you know what? I am open to learning new things as an adult. I'm not a child who fully relies on her parents for all her needs. I am now a fully grown person who relies on God for all my needs.
I'm also not the adolescent who thinks I know it all, or that I know better than my parents; or someone who blames their parents for all the mistakes in their lives.
I am my own person, my own adult. A child of God's.
Nor am I the naive twenty something that thinks I own the world and everything revolves around me. Some adults get stuck in this mindset. I'm blessed not to count myself in that category.
Who can forget being young enough to think you would live forever? My mortality has settled in and I'm okay with it.
As an adult I also realize that I've made foolish choices in the past, but now, as I've matured, I can learn from those mistakes and do my best not to repeat them.
I know how to take care of myself, understanding what 'take care of myself,' means more fully.
As a grown up I realize too that giving someone an 'either/or' choice is the worst thing anyone can give anyone else.
Speaking of ultimatum's, I've retracted my 'taunt' to the guy with whom I have much chemistry. I'm here to say, happily, that we are friends once again.
(The older I get and the closer I feel to God, I find I am better equipped to handle life's quirks. I want to learn how to be friends with a guy, and here's the perfect opportunity.)
As a fully grown person, I know where my path is leading me, no more questions about career, family, finances; my path is leading me to God. With the Holy Spirit's involvement in my life, I know now that the more I understand myself, my surroundings, and all the rest, my understanding of myself has a ripple effect: the people in my life benefit by receiving more empathy, compassion, caring, sense of humor, etc from me, as I feel more suited to know how/when/where to get my needs met. I have a more realistic view of expectations of those around me.
With all this said, I must also mention I know I am not perfect, nor do I attempt to be. But, again, as an adult, I accept that about myself.
Like the piece of flair a friend sent me recently on Facebook, "I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I'm to die for!"
May God bless you and keep you on your journey, wherever you are on this great spectrum we call 'reality.'
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I can only do this...
Hello www,
My prayer is that all is well with everyone. And to anyone who is having a hard time right now, know God is in control. As a preacher once said, "Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is."
Keep the faith, always.
So recently the whole issue of, "Can men and women be friends?" surfaced again. I had the unfortunate job of telling this gentleman (he really was a gentleman, in every sense of the word, just a really sweet guy; a little lost, but then aren't we all?) that we can't be friends.
Really, we could blame chemistry. We had too much of it. I wanted to acknowledge it, but, for whatever reason, he didn't.
It's okay too, that this didn't work out, sometimes these things happen. LOL
I know I've got to be straight with myself.
"To thine own self be true," Shakespeare said. And that's what I'm doing: being honest with myself.
I knew that remaining friends with this guy, with whom I had lots of chemistry with (or did I already mention this? lol) was going to be difficult.
Sure, friendship works out great for him, he gets to enjoy the coolness which is me, but what do I get? Maybe some good conversation, a handshake, possibly a hug, and a silly good-bye wave at the end of the evening, lol. Not that these things are bad, but it's just not the best option, I think, for our interaction.
I will be sad, don't get me wrong, about not being friends with this particular individual, but then I would be even sadder always knowing we wouldn't progress into anything and the potential would always be just out of our reach.
I will then recover, as I often do, and keep on my merry way.
God bless us, each and everyone.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hello www,
I pray everyone is well and happy.
I was re-reading some of my past blogs, and the few comments posted. (Thank you, btw, to those who are kind enough to Read AND post comments.)
While in review mode, I thought about what a friend said to me about my entry of the rafting trip entitled "Infantile Shananigans." When we talked about that particular blog, I said, "Well it's generated conversation, so there's something good that came from it." He replied quickly, "Yes, but do you want conversation about something bad?" At the time, I said no, but I think I should have said yes. Life isn't all rosy, funny, and upbeat. It is US (with God's help, of course) who make life rosy, funny and upbeat. I understand that there's already too many negative things that happen in our lives to be one of those who adds to it, but I also know that through discussion, even sometimes heated debate, we can work through issues, hopefully opening ourselves up to a greater understanding of the other person's feelings, thoughts and ideas. And, who knows, we may learn something about ourselves in the process as well.
I was also 'accused,' in a fun way, of 'losing my edge,' in my blogs. I agree.
Recently I was invited to a co-worker's bridal shower. Since we work together, I know there is some obligation I have in participating.
Here are some of my issues with this affair.
First of all, it's after work (but not at our school) and NOT during the week; it IS on a Saturday, at someone's house.
Second of all, I don't particularly relish the thought of spending time outside of work with my associates. Yes, I care about my work team and wish them no ill will, but my time outside of work is just that: My time.
We only work together.
We aren't bff's,
or family,
or even sorority sisters.
Also, at my job, everyone is pretty much a hypocrite, INCLUDING ME. Now, don't get me wrong, I generally care about people, my colleagues included. My concern, and I know I've expressed this in other blogs, is that my thoughtfulness isn't reciprocated. I'd like to think my caring isn't based on whether people return the consideration, but it is. Consequently, here's what I do: I care about people from a distance. I get hurt too easily knowing that people won't, can't, or aren't thinking of me, and I'm the only one giving. It's just human nature, I think, to want some reciprocation.
Back to the shower. I said I would go. But when I began to think about it, I realized that I would only continue my hypocrisy by going. I am happy for this person and I pray that her marriage be a God-centered, strong one. (As some of you may or may not know, I am a prayer warrior when it comes to praying for marriages. I pray for marriages in general on a regular basis.) But my heart was not into this gathering. I was going to be spending money, a little more than I was comfortable spending, on someone I do not know that well.
What could I do? Being the caring person I am, and one who clicks on 'yes' to evites way too quickly, oops! I was obligated to go before I could really think about what I'd done.
Unfortunately I tried to lie my way out of it, couldn't stand the fact that I lied, came clean, and attended the event anyway.
(I made it through the afternoon just fine: had some delicious cake, wished the bride-to-be much happiness in her upcoming nuptials, and continued with my weekend.)
Through this experience, though, I think I've hit upon the reason why I am a hypocrite:
It is difficult for me to be seriously close to several, and I'm talking 10 or more people, at a time. I also think this is human nature. I'm happy if I can give 100% to my family, one or two close friends, and my students! So, what may seem like hypocrisy really isn't. It's just that I don't have it in me to give 100% of caring to 100% of all the people in my life, ALL the time, which would be ideal. I pray I can do this, and it is a daily goal I pray God help me fulfill, but I have a fatal flaw: I'm human. Only God can do this, and easily!
Another thought helps me deal with mine, and others, hypocrisy: it's something a wise woman once told me; 95% of people are flakes; the definition of flakes for me is this: not there for me when I need them to be (whether this is emotionally, spiritually, physically, or mentally). I understand too, I am not immune to being on the 95% side some of the time. My goal, however, is to be on the 5% most of the time, with God's help.
With all of this realization, I am able to cut people slack when I feel like they are being hypocrites to me. I am also able to 'assume the best,' from the get go when I keep this in mind. :) Maybe this will help you do the same.
God blessssss ya! :)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Common thread?
Hello www,
Heavenly Father, please bless everyone who is reading this blog right now. May they feel Your Presence, peace and love as they read.
Special prayers for those being affected by Gustav, for our military, and for those individuals I said I would say a prayer for, in Jesus name. Amen.
I'm going to be jumping around in subjects/topics; I hope you don't get whiplash, he he.
Regardless of how you feel about Obama, something historic happened in our country this past week: a person of African American mix was nominated for president.
God willing, this will open the way for a woman to be nominated as President.
I am astounded by the fact that Gustav has happened 3 years almost to the day that Katrina hit. How often does a hurricane hit the same place? I thought hurricanes were like lightning: they never hit twice in the same place...but then maybe hurricanes have their own rules they live by. I am happy that the city, and our government, was better prepared for this second hurricane.
How about the Olympics! WOW! Phelps, I pray you are mature enough to handle the instant fame and money your golds have brought you. But you know what? Even if you mess up, we'll forgive you and still like you.
The other athlete I was particulary biased toward is the Jamacian runner Usain Bolt, who broke the world record for the 200m. He is Catholic! I took such pride in seeing him make the sign of the cross before the races, and afterwards.
A friend asked if it is better to win more Golds, or to have a mix of medals. At the time I said a mix of medals is better, but thinking about this question more, I thought about my students: would I like for them to make A's, B's and C's, or straight A's? So I'm changing my answer: it's better to have more Golds. :) This doesn't make the US lesser than China. We did get the most overall medals, and that certainly carries weight, and has it's own place of pride.
Totally enjoyed watching the women's beach volleyball team: May-Walsh.
And of course, Dara Torres must be mentioned. She is my hero! :) She had ALL the tests required of the Olympic athletes, AND some that weren't asked for. She won drug-free.
Finally, school started last week. Lord, please bless and guide all teachers everywhere: with compassion, a sense of humor, patience, and love when dealing with students and staff. Jesus, please help all students to do their best, always, and of course to have respect for the authority figures in their lives.
God bless everyone.
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