Hello world-wide-web,
Heavenly father, thank you for always being with us, for all the blessings you shower us with, and for all answered prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
The "Season of Prayer," (this 'Season' being Advent) began officially on November 15th, which was a perfect day for me: celebrating my mom's birth AND my last Final of 2010.
Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas.
The "Season of Prayer," journey entails (1)praying and studying scripture, (2)attending The Well (a closer look at the previous Sunday's readings) (3)taking a class entitled, "Intimacy with God," and (4)spending five hours in Adoration a week.
I can't remember, and I'm too lazy to check, but I think I've written about Adoration before, if so, my apologies for the redundancy.
Adoration is a tremendously powerful time with our Lord. I love the way it is described on the website http://www.catholicbible101.com/,"Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is one of the best ways to spend time with Jesus. There is so much noise around us these days. Spending a quiet hour with Jesus in humble adoration will bring many graces and blessings to you. Things that you have never even considered before will now be made present to you. Bad things that would have happened to you will now not happen. As He told Peter, "Could you not spend one hour with me?"
I will mention, briefly, how it has been a struggle to reach the five hours this week: temptations abounded. A good trait God has blessed me with, though, is that of commitment. I know the Almighty would not 'disown' me, or be disappointed that I didn't make my goal, but I would be disappointed in myself. Thanks be to God, for He has put others in my life who are on this journey (the journey of life and the journey in this "Season of Prayer.") - they have been my comfort, strength, and inspiration. Jesus with skin. Their support has helped me get closer to my goal; I have one hour left, which I hope to reach tomorrow, God willing.
Dear Reader, I want to take you on this "Season of Prayer," journey with me. I pray that you receive all the blessings I receive from being in Adoration, and that this blog will give you hope, love, faith and peace as you walk with Jesus and me, as well as inspire you to 'step up' your prayer life; goodness comes from praying.
Jesus has paid our tab: a round of blessings for everyone!
"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa
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