Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Hello friends,
Heavenly Father, thank you for everything in our lives, most especially the difficult moments, where we have much to learn. Special intentions for: MN, KG, and my good friend 'N' and her family. May peace, love and harmony reign. In Jeus' Name. Amen.
Just a quick class update:
My panda bear, Scorpian, has progressed nicely. He has fallen asleep in my class, but way less than in previous years, AND he is working for me. PTL! Miracles happen everyday, believe it!
I could vent about some 'friendship issues' I'm having, but I figure there's enough negativity in the world without me adding to it! :P
I came across this meditation in my "Give us this Day," from a daily prayer for today's Catholic mag, and I think it fits my sentiments perfectly about the above 'friendship issues.' See if you agree...
The Kingdom of God is at Hand for you
We need Christians who will live their faith and be witnesses in truth. Our mission is to make holy our everyday actions, whether at home, or at work. This is not often really appreciated. We forget too easily that genuine holiness lies in carrying out God's will wherever we are, whatever we do, at home or at work. That is how we give witness to Gospel values - by the manner of our living and working.
      We are called to build the kingdom of God within the kingdom of man. This causes us to wrestle with some of most intractable problems and menacing dangers of our time. The struggle for the kingdom is not an abstract conflict. It has to be fought here and now, in conditions dictated by history and contemporary needs. And so we have to contend with the problems of our age, while we try, as best we can, to empty ourselves of the will to dominate, and rely instead on the invincible power of divine love. We must be ready to dialogue and be flexible. We must never lose patience or hope. We must be ready to initiate and be positive, not simply to react defensively and belatedly.
Cardinal Basil Hume, A Turning to God
Cardinal George Basil Hume (1923-1999), Abbot of Ampleforth Abbey in Great Britain from 1963 until his appointment as Archbishop of Westminster in 1976 was one of the best-known and beloved relgious figures in the United Kingdom.
God bless you friends! Today, always, and forever may you feel God's presence near you.
"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hope all is well with you and things aren't weighing too heavy on your mind.


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