Saturday, March 15, 2014

Jonah, Jonah, Jonah

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the story of Jonah, because his behavior has lead  me to a greater understanding of You. In Jesus' name. Amen
I enjoy the story of Jonah every time I hear it.
I like Jonah. He's dumb about the ways of God, and I am too.
But I think this is a story more about the interaction between Jonah, a devout, stubborn, and a bit arrogant prophet, and God, than about the punishment of a city. Which is a wonderful way for us, the observers and readers, to see ourselves in Jonah.
God gives Jonah specific directions, "Set out for the great city* of Nineveh, and preach against it; for their wickedness has come before me."
We too are given specific directions by God - the ten commandants - for example - about how to live our lives.
But what does Jonah do? "...Jonah made ready to flee to Tarshish,* away from the LORD. He went down to Joppa, found a ship going to Tarshish, paid the fare, and went down in it to go with them to Tarshish, away from the LORD"

And we do that too, in our daily lives, we think, "Heck no! I'm not following God's way. I'm going to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, and how I want to do it. See ya God!"
But how does one escape from God? He created the universe! He knows where all the great hiding spaces are and where humans are likely to go!

God keeps after us, even when we think He's forgotten about us, and He certainly isn't going to abandon His mission with Jonah.
"The LORD, however, hurled a great wind upon the sea, and the storm was so great that the ship was about to break up."
The sailors were afraid, of course, and started praying to their Gods. “Come, let us cast lots to discover on whose account this evil has come to us.” So they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah.d"
Uh-oh, Jonah! This isn't going to end well for you!
And where was the man who was causing all this commotion and what was he doing???
Jonah had gone down into the hold of the ship, and lay there fast asleep.
Jonah did not care he might be endangering anyone else's life by his flagrant denial of doing God's will - he was taking care of himself. What storm? There was a storm?
Even the sailors know it is wrong to try and outrun God!
Now the men were seized with great fear and said to him, “How could you do such a thing!”
How often are we selfish and self-interested?
Lent is the time to examine our actions/attitudes and purge them, change them, ask for God's grace to help us with these changes.
Oh no! Jonah! There you go! Lose your balance did you?!
Jonah did say something wise, though,  and told the men,
“Pick me up and hurl me into the sea and then the sea will calm down for you. For I know that this great storm has come upon you because of me."
Jonah's conduct did cause the  sailors to pray, though, “Please, O LORD, do not let us perish for taking this man’s life; do not charge us with shedding innocent blood, for you, LORD, have accomplished what you desired.”
So that's good.
But what is this? But the LORD sent a great fish to swallow Jonah, and he remained in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.a
3* Out of my distress I called to the LORD,
and he answered me;
From the womb of Sheol* I cried for help,
and you heard my voice.b
4You cast me into the deep, into the heart of the sea,
and the flood enveloped me;
All your breakers and your billows
passed over me.c
5Then I said, “I am banished from your sight!
How will I again look upon your holy temple?”d
6The waters surged around me up to my neck;
the deep enveloped me;
seaweed wrapped around my head.e
7I went down to the roots of the mountains;
to the land whose bars closed behind me forever,
But you brought my life up from the pit,
O LORD, my God.f
8When I became faint,
I remembered the LORD;
My prayer came to you
in your holy temple.g
9Those who worship worthless idols
abandon their hope for mercy.h
10But I, with thankful voice,
will sacrifice to you;
What I have vowed I will pay:

deliverance is from the LORD.i
Jonah's prayer is understandable - he is in the belly of a whale afterall.
How often do we ask God for deliverance of problems we ourselves have created!
If only we would follow the Lord's precepts.
But pursuing God's way is not going to be easy - the important point to remember is we have God to help us!
He is the one who created The Way, and we need to allow Him to show us how to do what He wants.

6When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.7Then he had this proclaimed throughout Nineveh:* “By decree of the king and his nobles, no man or beast, no cattle or sheep, shall taste anything; they shall not eat, nor shall they drink water.
I like this image that even the animals are in sackcloth! LOL

He wanted the people of Nineveh to suffer, to die! And now Jonah says he'd rather die - from his anger with God! Some prophet Jonah is - not someone you'd want to defend you in court! Why would God even bother with someone like him? Because God knows how much Jonah needs God - just like all of us! In our ignorance, we need God. We want bad things to happen to those who harm us, but that's our way, that's not God's Way...

The audacity of Jonah - the audacity of us! LOL
The translation explains this part of the scripture best:
A selfish Jonah bemoans his personal loss of a gourd plant for shade without any concern over the threat of loss of life to the Ninevites through the destruction of their city. If a solicitous God provided the plant for a prophet without the latter’s effort or merit, how much more is God disposed to show love and mercy toward all people, Jew and Gentile, when they repent of their sins and implore divine pardon. God’s care goes beyond human beings to all creation, as in Job 38.

The scripture ends with this conversation between Jonah and God, but I get the feeling the conversation between Jonah and God didn't end here. Jonah had much to learn - just like us - and God's going to need to be in constant contact with us and we with God, in order to know how to handle our lives.
We all have cell phones, are we ready to ACCEPT THE CALL from our God? I pray we are ready AND willing.

"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa

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