Friday, November 4, 2011

A peek into a life

Heavenly Father,
Bless all young people everywhere, Lord. Keep their guardian angels close, keeping them safe, always. And thank you for everything, always. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Tonight I was talking to a co-worker-friend in the parking lot about her 20 yr-old son, A. A is a student at Harvard UT and will have the opportunity to intern with a company for a year in China. He has already been to China, and loved it, and relishes the idea of returning, possibly to live there. A's mom, my co-worker-friend, is concerned for him; she has nothing against China, she just doesn't like the idea of her son being so far from her, and the rest of the family. Then there was A's gf. A and gf had been sweethearts since they were 15. They dated for five years. A's mom was telling me that A's gf and A were highly compatible as a couple, and with each other's family; so much in fact, that A's gf is in pictures of family weddings, and other various important family outings.
Well when A returned this past summer from China, and was in Dallas for about a week, he broke up with his gf. Not only was the gf heartbroken, so is A's family.
Everyone loved the gf and cried about the break up, almost as much as A did. Everyone in A's family is saying that he probably did the right thing, and are supportive of his decision, but they are also telling him that she was 'one in a million,' and he probably won't meet another one like this gf.
Hearing the tale, I felt bad for both A and his gf. A had to make a tough decision! And like mom said, "You can't expect people who are in their twenties to stay together. It's unrealistic." Mom now fears that if A takes a job in China, this will for sure signal the end to whatever A and his former gf may have had, or will have.
For some reason this 'struggle' interested me; probably because it reminds me of my life and the twists and turns it's taken and how I've arrived where I am...Life is a little of us trying to make the best choices with the information we have at the time; and a lot of us doing the best we can with the life we've been dealt.
"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa


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