Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Most Excellent Quest

Hello world wide web,
I pray this day finds you blessed, happy and healthy. 
My good friend Mike has recently been able to make the awe-inspiring dream of traveling the world, i.e. traveling around the world, come true. From the USA-NYC, to all points in between, and then back to the US. (I don't know all the details, but here's Mike's blog address so you can read about his adventures.) Does anyone else feel the magnitude of this undertaking? I know Mike's been getting some interesting responses when he tells people what he's going to do: "Did you get fired?" "Why would you do something like that?" "You are not being responsible." I applaud my friend for taking on this endeavor. I think it's fantastic! He is not married (watch out world!), has no children, no mortgage, none of the usual ties that keep people from doing this sort of thing. He has the backing of his family, most of his friends, lol, his degree, and the wide open world waiting for him to explore it. I cannot think of anyone more qualified for this excursion. Mike is a God-centered, high energy, lover of humanity, intelligent individual who will spend his days learning, looking, listening, and participating in the sights and sounds most people can't even imagine, and/or won't ever have the opportunity to experience. I'm also sure a beer or two(s) will be shared with many a fascinating character(s). His first stop in August will be to Dublin, Ireland. His entire trip will take 7 months. He will stay about a month in each location. Although he will be missed terribly, I am happy he is going on this voyage. He will not be returning to Dallas, as his other dream is to work in NYC. I admire his FS. FSs are in small demand these days, and more's the pity. We sure could use the outlook. Mike, God bless you and keep you my friend.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Mike told me he was leaving and I am sad that he is leaving the town where I live, but in a very clear way I am truly happy that he is going on a world wide travel quest. It makes me think of the days I have and what should I do to make the most of them. His trip is inspirational and mystic in proportions that are out of this world. Good travels to Mike.
- wjw


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