Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Give it to God

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all answered prayers, and for always opening my eyes to new ways of looking at situations. Prayers for all those who have asked me to pray for them; for the health of a very special friend, and for two very special intentions. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      People make poor decisions, and then they ask God why He's not helping them. As if doing things in our own egotistical and selfish way has ever worked out for us. LOL
     God makes it pretty clear that we've got to sincerely, truly, with all our hearts, minds, and souls, believe in Him, and that He is going to take care of us, but we have to do our part too.
     For example, I probably know on some level, conscious or not, that living with a guy before marriage is not living a Godly life. But I do it anyway. Then I ask God why the relationship ended. Or maybe I'm asking God why He brought this person into my life, if things weren't going to work out for us? God brings all kinds of people into our lives, and sometimes we just need to know it's not always about us, and our lessons.
     If we are open to God working in our lives, He can bring about extraordinary change(s)! Here's the marvelous conversion He brought to me.
     I've always thought my mom and I didn't get along because she and I are so different. I realize now that my attitude, as well as my skewed view of mom's behavior - I was always on the defensive - has caused more of a rift between the two of us than anything else! WOW! But you know, this paradigm shift has been extremely beneficial to the connection between us. I can now see the love my mom has for me in how she responds to me.
     An instance where mom and I usually had tension was with our housekeeper. I felt sorry for my domestic help, because my mom can be somewhat cantankerous and demanding in what she expects. Usually, I end up firing various 'employees', because mom is so criticizing of the work they do.
     I used to tell my mother, "Hey, you aren't paying these workers, I am. Please don't tell them anything." Now I understand that mom was irate because I wasn't getting my money's worth from them. She was fighting for excellence! I now thank my mom for speaking up against shoddy done chores, and pray that I have her courage to complain when she's not there.
     God woke me up to this new reality. I began acting in a more loving, calming, and patient way toward my mother. You might be wondering, you're just now thinking about God's love for all of us and acting in this way? But what was lacking, was my genuine effort to change my behavior. Whereas before I was content with 'unpleasant togetherness,' with my mom, now, with God's energy and purpose alive in me, love is flowing and joining us closer than ever.
     The HS is guiding me, and cascading through me, helping me discern the truth behind mom's actions. I wouldn't be able to do any of this by myself. I'd just make things worse! LOL I can't do anything without God in my life. I can't fully appreciate my mom's care for me, if I don't allow Christ to open my eyes. I want the best possible relationship I can have with my mom; she's 80. If not now, then when?
     I remember a priest telling the story of clashes between his brother and his father. When it came time for the father to pass, the brother exited the hospital room and asked the other brother, "What were all those fights for?"
     Allowing God to create a  precedent is a powerful thing. Let Him change your thinking, won't you? Only then can you fully live and love the life God has in store for you. Do your part today, and I guarantee you, God will do His part. Amen, Lord!

"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Theresa

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